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Last Updated: Wed, 06 Mar
Social Media Advisor - Government sector » Melbourne, VIC - Government agency seeks an experienced Social Media Advisor to be responsible for end-to-end management of its social... media channels Social Media Advisor opportunity Approx. $55-$65 per hour plus Super Full-time, 2-3 month contract... • Sun, 03 MarHudson$55 - 65 per hour
Marketing and Social Media Coordinator » Brisbane, Brisbane Region - About Us : BeXD Create is a fast growing performing arts and production company that delivers engaging and educational workshops in drama, singing and dance to children, teens and adults across South-East Queensland. Our youth curriculum focuses on not only helping students develop skills in acting, singing and movement, but also aims to build confidence, social skills and resilience. Our goal is for students to build their stage and screen skills and also feel more confident to raise their hand at school, help a friend in need or learn and grow from setbacks. We work with people from all walks of life including neurodiverse students, students with disabilities and kids, teens and adults from all different backgrounds, cultures and skill levels. At BeXD Create, we celebrate that everyone is unique (including you). About You : Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Communications, or related field (favourable but not required if you have equivalent experience) Position Summary : BeXD Create is looking for a Marketing and Social Media Coordinator to help us share our performing arts classes with more Queensland Kids. As the Marketing and Social Media Coordinator, you will coordinate the creation and distribution of marketing content via Social Media, Print, Email Newsletter, Live Performance Events and other channels to share BeXD Create's classes, holiday workshops and Special Events with kids and their families in Queensland. Your focus will be on capturing the essence of our classes through video and photography, and sharing the benefits of our exceptional and enriching educational programs with schools, parents and community groups. This role is a Level 2 position with an hourly rate of $30.61 Applicants must be over 16 years of age. Key Requirements : Strong written and verbal communication skills. Proficiency in digital marketing tools and platforms, including social media management, email marketing software, and analytics tools. Excellent organizational and multitasking abilities with keen attention to detail. Creative thinking and problem-solving skills. Ability to work both independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment. Job Responsibility : Develop and execute creative marketing campaigns to promote BeXD Create across various platforms and channels. Create engaging content, including blog posts, articles, social media posts, videos, infographics, and more, to effectively communicate our brand message and value proposition. Coordinate marketing activities, including creating engaging content, (social media posts, video editing/shooting, social media management, email marketing, and advertising. Conduct market research and analysis to identify trends, opportunities, and competitor insights. Support the planning and execution of events, promotions, and product launches. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure cohesive brand messaging and consistency across all channels. Track and analyse marketing metrics to measure the effectiveness of campaigns and optimize performance. Job Functions : Marketing managers Job Benefits : WHY WORK HERE? We started BeXD Create coming out of soul-destroying careers in the corporate world. We strive to make working at BeXD Create the exact opposite of that. We value open and honest communication above all else. We’re very flexible and will encourage you to pursue your other passions in addition to your work with us, whether that’s auditioning for roles, going on tours, travelling or further education. Selling Point : . Contact : Katie Toft • Wed, 06 MarBeXD Create
Social Media Manager » Australia - school IHK, Master, Diplom, Bachelor, Zertifikat account_balance 26 Fernschulen, 3 Fernhochschulen, 6 Fernstudienanbieter Instagram, Facebook, Twitter und Co. – Social Media ist aus unserer Alltagskommunikation nicht mehr wegzudenken. Auch immer mehr Unternehmen nutzen die große Reichweite der Social Media Kanäle für Marketing- und Verkaufszwecke. Sie möchten werbewirksameKampagnen für Ihr Unternehmen entwerfen und auf Social Media verbreiten, Ihren Ideen freien Lauf lassen und Ihr Kommunikationstalent ausleben? Dann ist das Social Media Manager Fernstudium genau das richtige für Sie. account_balance Das DeLSt empfiehlt Anzeige DeLSt - Deutsches eLearning Studieninstitut Social Media Manager (Zertifikat) Sie begeistern sich für Social Media und möchten in einem boomenden Berufsfeld Fuß fassen? Dann empfiehlt Ihnen das DeLSt - Deutsches eLearning Studieninstitut seinen Fernlehrgang Social Media Manager, welchen Sie flexibel neben Ihrem Job innerhalb voneineinhalb bis 6 Monaten absolvieren. Im Zuge Ihrer Weiterbildung lernen Sie, wie Sie zielgruppengerechte Social Media Kampagnen entwickeln und damit das Interesse der User wecken. Um dabei nicht gegen rechtliche Aspekte zu verstoßen, erhalten Sie Einblick in das Online Recht. Auch negativeKommentare in den sozialen Netzwerken bringen Sie nicht aus der Fassung, da Sie erfahren, wie Sie mit Konflikten professionell umgehen. Der institutseigene Campus ermöglicht es Ihnen, an Webinaren teilzunehmen und Kontakt zu Ihren Mitstudierenden herzustellen. Außerdem stehen Ihnen Ihre Tutoren jederzeit für Fragen zur Verfügung. Bei Ihrem Fernstudium zum Social Media Manager haben Sie die Wahl zwischen einem akademischen Bachelor Fernstudium und verschiedenen nicht-akademischen Fernlehrgängen . Sie beschäftigen sich im Social Media Manager Fernstudium nicht ausschließlich mit Instagram, Twitter und Co. – als Social Media Manager müssen Sie sich nicht nur perfekt in der Welt der sozialen Netzwerke auskennen, sondern auch das nötige Know-how besitzen, Werbekampagnen und Marketingstrategien Ihres Unternehmens erfolgreich zu planen und umzusetzen. Damit Ihnen das gelingt, erhalten Sie Einblick ins Medien- und Onlinerecht , um beispielsweise bei der Nutzung von Bildern keine Urheberrechts- oder Datenschutzverletzung zu begehen und Ihre Social Media Kampagnen rechtssicher zu gestalten. Darüber hinaus erlernen Sie Strategien zur Zielgruppenanalyse, sodass Sie mit Ihren Postings die richtigen Personengruppen erreichen. Negative Rückmeldungen oder Kommentare auf Facebook und Co. sind für Sie kein Problem, da Sie sich in Ihrem Fernstudium mit Krisenkommunikation beschäftigen und lernen, wie Sie Konflikte im Social Web lösen. Außerdem können Sie sich in der Regel im Social Media Manager Fernstudium auf diese Module freuen: Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) Bild- und Videobearbeitung Interne und externe Unternehmenskommunikation Vorbereitung und Gestaltung von Social Media Ads Wenn Sie sich für das akademische Bachelor Fernstudium entscheiden, haben Sie die Option, sich im Verlauf der Semester zum Beispiel auf den Social Media Berater, Community Manager oder den Social Media Manager im Bereich Strategie beziehungsweise Kreation zu spezialisieren. Sie interessieren sich für das Social Media Manager Fernstudium? Erfahren Sie hier, was andere bewegt Es wurden noch keine Fragen zu dem Fernstudiengang gestellt. Sie haben eine Frage? Stellen Sie Ihre Frage und erhalten Sie Antworten von aktuell Studierenden. Ihr Fernstudium zum Social Media Manager absolvieren Sie als akademischen Bachelor Fernstudiengang in 6 bis 12 Semestern beziehungsweise als nicht-akademischen Fernlehrgang in einem bis 13 Monaten bequem von zu Hause aus mit nur wenigen Präsenzphasen. Auf dem Online-Campus der Institute haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihre Vorlesungen anzuhören, in Live-Webinaren Fragen zu stellen und an Tutorien teilzunehmen, in denen Sie mit Ihren Dozierenden und Kommilitonen in Kontakt treten und sich austauschen. Ein StudyCoach steht Ihnen stets mit Rat und Tat zur Seite, wenn es darum geht, Ihr Fernstudium zu organisieren und zu planen. Im Fernstudium profitieren Sie von einem hohen Praxisbezug , da Sie Social Media Tools ausprobieren, kreative Beiträge entwerfen oder eigene Podcasts produzieren. Ihre Prüfungen legen Sie entweder von zu Hause aus ab oder vor Ort in der Bildungsstätte. Einige Institute verfügen über mehrere Standorte, wodurch Sie den nächstgelegenen aussuchen können, damit Sie nicht weit zu den Präsenztagen anreisen müssen. Ihr akademisches Bachelor Fernstudium schließen Sie nach Abgabe der Bachelorarbeit mit dem akademischen Grad Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) ab. Die nicht-akademischen Fernlehrgänge gelten als berufliche Weiterbildungen. Sie erhalten nach erfolgreichem Abschluss der Fortbildung ein institutseigenes Zertifikat oder sind perfekt auf die jeweilige Prüfung vor der Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) vorbereitet. Was kostet mich das Social Media Manager Fernstudium? Die Kosten für Ihr Social Media Manager Fernstudium sind abhängig von dessen Art, der Dauer und dem Anbieter. Bei einem akademischen Fernstudium rangieren diese je nach Studienmodell zwischen 12.870 €¹ und 15.000 €¹. Die Gebühren derFernlehrgänge belaufen sich auf 480 €¹ bis 3.790 €¹ . Berücksichtigen Sie bei Ihrer Budgetplanung außerdem mögliche Reisekosten für Präsenzseminare, Aufwendungen für Ihre eigenen Lernmaterialien oder etwaige Prüfungsgebühren, die während der Weiterbildung noch auf Sie zukommen können. Welche Voraussetzungen müssen Sie erfüllen? Für das Bachelor Fernstudium benötigen Sie die Allgemeine Hochschulreife oder die Fachhochschulreife . Wenn Sie die Fachgebundene Hochschulreife besitzen, können Sie je nach fachlichem Schwerpunkt direkt im Bachelor Fernstudium durchstarten oder zunächst ein Probestudium beginnen. Auch wenn Sie kein Abitur vorweisen, haben Sie die Möglichkeit, mit einer Aufstiegsfortbildung, wie zum Beispiel dem IHK-Fachwirt und Meister, oder einer mindestens 2-jährigen Berufsausbildung mit anschließend 3 Jahren Berufserfahrung in Vollzeit das Social Media Manager Fernstudium zu beginnen. Ein nicht-akademischer Fernlehrgang ist für Sie relevant, wenn Sie als selbstständiger oder angestellter Professional, vor allem in der Medien- und Kommunikationsbranche, mit Social Media arbeiten oder dies in Zukunft anstreben. Aber auch wenn Sie als Berufseinsteiger noch am Anfang Ihrer Karriere stehen, kann ein Fernlehrgang interessant sein. Sind Sie für das Fernstudium geeignet? Sind Sie bei Instagram-Trends stets auf dem neuesten Stand? Begeistern Sie sich für Facebook-Kampagnen? Dann bringen Sie die Grundvoraussetzung für ein erfolgreiches Social Media Manager Fernstudium mit: ein Interesse an den sozialen Netzwerken . Das reine Interesse reicht allerdings nicht aus. Wichtig ist, dass Sie die Fähigkeit besitzen, sich in die Zielgruppe Ihres Unternehmens hineinzuversetzen, und in der Lage sind, die Inhalte auf den Social Media Kanälen ansprechend zu verpacken. Wenn Sie beispielsweise Personengruppen in den 40ern erreichen möchten, gestalten Sie Ihre Postings anders als für Jugendliche. Darüber hinaus hilft es Ihnen, wenn Sie eine Affinität für Computer und IT mitbringen, da Ihr Handwerkszeug EDV-Programme sind. Daher sollten Sie sich gut mit Computerprogrammen auskennen und sich stets über technische Neuerungen im Marketing informieren. Niemand sieht sich gerne eintönige Posts auf den sozialen Netzwerken an, oft gehen diese in den Weiten der Social Media Welt sogar unter. Deswegen benötigen Sie eine kreative Ader , um die User mit Ihren abwechslungsreichen und interessanten Beiträgen zu beeindrucken, zu unterhalten und auf Ihr Unternehmen aufmerksam zu machen. Motivationsfähigkeit Beruf, Karriere & Gehalt Der Bereich Social Media boomt, kaum ein Kanal hat solch eine große Reichweite wie die sozialen Netzwerke. Deswegen sind immer mehr Unternehmen auf der Suche nach Social Media Managern, die Social Media Auftritte planen, koordinieren und analysieren können. Das Social Web ist mittlerweile ein fester Bestandteil des Marketings , deswegen sind Ihre Berufsaussichten nach Ihrem Fernstudium zum Social Media Manager ausgezeichnet. Empfohlener redaktioneller Inhalt Inhalte von YouTube Video anzeigen. Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass mir externe Inhalte von YouTube Video angezeigt werden. Damit können personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr dazu in unserer Datenschutzerklärung . Neben dem Planen von verschiedenen Strategien, um beispielsweise die Bekanntheit eines neuen Produktes zu steigern, erwartet Sie als Social Media Manager in der Regel ein vielseitiges und abwechslungsreiches Aufgabenfeld: Sie kommunizieren mit Kunden, Usern und anderen Abteilungen. Sie erstellen Reportings durch das Auswerten von Analysetools. Sie betreiben Recherche nach relevanten Inhalten und Ideen für Kampagnen. Für soziale Netzwerke verfassen Sie Beiträge und Postings. Sie bearbeiten Bilder und schneiden Videos. Als Social Media Manager arbeiten Sie in der Regel eng mit anderen Abteilungen in Ihrem Unternehmen zusammen und stimmen sich mit Ihren Kollegen über die Priorisierung von neuen Postings ab. Sie bringen nach Ihrem Social Media Manager Fernstudium vielseitige Einsatzmöglichkeiten mit und arbeiten in den unterschiedlichsten Branchen und Wirtschaftszweigen. Sie finden zum Beispiel bei diesen Arbeitgebern eine Anstellung: Internet- und Marketingagenturen Nahrungsmittelhersteller Immobiliendienstleister Ihr Gehalt ist abhängig von der Branche, der Größe Ihres Arbeitgebers und Ihrer Berufserfahrung. In der Regel verdienen Sie im Durchschnitt zwischen 2.900 €¹ und 3.900 €¹ brutto monatlich. Auch der Schritt in die Selbstständigkeit ist für Sie als Social Media Manager möglich, hier ist Ihr Gehalt abhängig von der Anzahl Ihrer Aufträge, Ihrem festgelegten Stundenlohn und Ihrer Bekanntheit. Allerdings sollten Sie dafür ein paar Jahre Berufserfahrung in diesem Bereich sammeln, um Kontakte zu knüpfen und Erfahrungen zu sammeln. Vorteile des Fernstudiums Social Media Manager Als Social Media Manager haben Sie ausgezeichnete Berufsaussichten. Sie bilden sich im Bereich Social Media weiter und erlangen gefragte neue Kompetenzen und Fähigkeiten. Sie leben Ihre Kreativität und Ihr Interesse an Social Media aus. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, sich nach dem Fernstudium selbstständig zu machen. Nachteile des Fernstudiums Social Media Manager Auf Social Media müssen Sie mit negativen Kommentaren professionell umgehen können. V., 01.03.2024 - Social Media Nurse, DBfK - Deutscher Berufsverband für Pflegeberufe Christina, 29.02.2024 - Social Media Nurse, DBfK - Deutscher Berufsverband für Pflegeberufe Lara, 29.02.2024 - Social Media Nurse, DBfK - Deutscher Berufsverband für Pflegeberufe Sophie, 29.02.2024 - Social Media Nurse, DBfK - Deutscher Berufsverband für Pflegeberufe Das Fernstudium Social Media Manager wurden von 456 Studierenden wie folgt bewertet: J-18808-Ljbffr • Wed, 06 MarFernstudiumcheck
Social Media & Marketing Intern » The Rocks, Sydney - Intern position, 16 hours per week over 2 days, work part time whilst completing your Uni Degree About the company Ashdown People is a specialised Recruitment Company with a global presence. We are a small company with a collaborative, fun team culture. This is a great opportunity for a University Student to gain Social Media and Marketing experience. This is a part time role 16 hours per week over 2 days. This is an internship role. About the role: Collaborate with our leadership team to brainstorm new and innovative growth strategies. Performing regular updates and reviews of our websites to ensure content is accurate and up to date. Responsible for all copywriting across website and digital. Assisting with ad hoc admin duties e.g. online document management, employee initiatives etc. Assist in the planning and execution of digital marketing campaigns, social media content and engagement strategies. Provide support in the creation and optimization of digital content (e.g., website & social media) Monitor and report on the performance of digital marketing campaigns. About you: Currently enrolled in a Bachelor's, preferably in Marketing, Communications, or a related field Eager to learn and ability to multitask Strong understanding of social media platforms Outstanding communication skills, both verbal and written Strong ability to work independently as well as part of a collaborative team. Posting/publishing and scheduling content across all channels Collaborate with management team to create quality and engaging content. What is in it for you? Work with a friendly team A diverse role which will provide career development and good work experience Exposure to the end to end social media and marketing duties • Tue, 05 MarAshdown Consulting
Digital Media Officer » Geraldton, WA - Northam, WA - the delivery of contemporary training. The Digital Media Officer is responsible for managing the College’s social media... channels, coordinating the production of digital content for CR TAFE’s website and social media platforms. The position... • Tue, 05 MarGovernment of Western Australia$87712 - 92057 per year

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Senior Social Media Advisor » Sydney, Sydney Region - Senior Social Media Advisor Job type: Temporary, full-time parental leave cover until March 2025 Salary: clerk grade 9/10 - base salary starting at $120,859 - $133,183 plus superannuation and leave loading Flexible working arrangements and hybrid working options available Use your advanced customer service skills to manage the NSW Government’s social media community. Manage content, advertising, performance and reporting for the NSW Government’s social media channels. About the role: As Senior Social Media Advisor, you’ll champion and implement best practice and responsive community management on the NSW Government’s social media channels. This will include responding to customer comments, customer insights reporting, issues management and working closely with stakeholders and external agencies to deliver consistent and compelling messaging. As part of a high-performing social media team supporting three whole-of-government channels, you will balance community management requirements with content creation, reporting and optimisation, stakeholder relationships and advertising to achieve objectives for the organisation. The Social Media Advisor role sits within the NSW Government Digital Channels team. The team is responsible for the strategic direction of whole-of-government digital channels. You will be surrounded by people with skills in content, media, UX, social media, marketing and more. Key responsibilities Community management across NSW Government social media channels, with a focus on listening, responding, and engaging in meaningful two-way conversations Working with stakeholders to develop robust FAQs for our community management approach Monitoring and analysis of audience conversation themes and sentiment to help optimise content and increase engagement with the community Identifying and escalating emerging issues on social media advertising campaigns Contributing to a customer service ethos and be at the frontline of social media customer care Interpret and execute social media strategy to ensure content development focusses on the organisational objectives, which put the customer at the centre of online story creation and engagement Source, create and coordinate social media content for various social media platforms. This includes ensuring quality checks and approvals before publishing Analyse social reporting, evaluate for effectiveness and apply learnings to optimise content for customers in social media, and to inform future initiatives. How to apply : Provide an up-to-date CV and a brief cover letter of no more than 2 pages which clearly details your skills and experience as relevant to this role. Salary Grade 9/10, with the base salary for this role starting at $120859 base plus superannuation Click Here to access the Role Description . For enquiries relating to recruitment, please contact Katerina Xenos via Visit the Capability Application Tool to prepare for the recruitment process by accessing practice application and interview questions based on the focus capabilities listed in the role description. Closing Date: Tuesday, 12th March 2024 at 9:59am Working at Department of Customer Service The Department of Customer Service (DCS) is a great place to work Our values of accountability, trust, service, and integrity drive our initiatives and culture. We support innovative programs in areas as broad as digital government, consumer protection and major public works. We are an inclusive organisation that celebrates diversity and flexible work practices and believe our people are our greatest asset. Visit our Careers site to find out what it means to work for us. You Belong Here We are committed to diversity, inclusion, and new ways of working. We have 8 million reasons to care and want our employees to represent the communities that we serve. You can view our full diversity and inclusion statement here . We want you to bring your best self to this application process. If you feel you may require an adjustment during the recruitment process , please contact our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team via or 02 9494 8351. For more information, please visit: Information on some of the different types of disabilities Information on adjustments available for the recruitment process • Tue, 05 MarDepartment of Customer Service
Digital Performance Media Manager » Melbourne, VIC - will oversee and manage digital performance media campaigns across programmatic, SEM, Youtube, and social media, ensuring clear... performance media strategy & execution across Paid Social, Paid Search, Affiliates and other media platforms. Collaborate closely... • Tue, 05 MarTreasury Wine Estates
Marketing and Media Officer » Kinross, WA - supports and works closely with our events and social media co-ordinator to provide current information to the school...Kinross College is seeking an experienced Marketing and Media Officer who is team orientated, enthusiastic and wanting... • Tue, 05 MarGovernment of Western Australia$74586 - 80014 per year
Digital Performance Media Manager » Melbourne, VIC - digital performance media campaigns across programmatic, SEM, Youtube, and social media, ensuring clear objectives and driving... strategy & execution across Paid Social, Paid Search, Affiliates and other media platforms. Collaborate closely with the Web... • Tue, 05 MarTreasury Wine Estates
Social Media and Content Coordinator » Sydney, NSW - Social Media and Content Coordinator Join us as a Social Media and Content Coordinator to craft compelling content..., manage our social media presence, and support media initiatives to advocate for the rights and well-being of older people... • Tue, 05 MarBeaumont People
Social Media and Content Coordinator » Sydney, Sydney Region - Join OPAN as Social Media & Content Coordinator to craft compelling content, manage social media presence, and support media initiatives Social Media and Content Coordinator Join us as a Social Media and Content Coordinator to craft compelling content, manage our social media presence, and support media initiatives to advocate for the rights and well-being of older people. Full-time, permanent, hybrid role based in Surry Hills. Friendly office with easy access to Central Station, cafes, and restaurants. Opportunity to join a passionate team improving the lives of older people. About OPAN: OPAN is a national network of independent member organisations dedicated to advocating for older people seeking and receiving aged care services. The organisation provides free, confidential advocacy, information, and education to ensure older people and their families are heard, informed, and respected. Join us in our mission to create a society where older people can live fulfilling lives. Responsibilities: As the Social Media and Content Coordinator, you will play a crucial role in promoting OPAN’s initiatives and engaging with our audience. Here's what you'll be doing: Digital Communication Craft quality content and assets. Develop and coordinate monthly social media calendar. Regularly post and share social media updates. Provide assistance with website content as needed. Manage and coordinate OPAN’s regular newsletters with guidance from the Senior Media and Content Officer. Content and Marketing Assist the Senior Media & Content Officer in developing content such as marketing collateral, advertising copy, and videos. Support logistics, planning, and promotion of OPAN events, both online and face-to-face. Coordinate and contribute to the production and distribution of OPAN’s annual report and other publications. Provide leave coverage for Marketing and Communication, Learning and Development team members. Analysis Assist with regular reviews of social media analytics, focusing on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn. Aid in monitoring, tracking, and reporting on media mentions and appearances. Media Support the Senior Media and Content Officer with coordinating media interview requests. Assist in the distribution of media releases and creation of stakeholder kits. Qualifications: Current National Police Check. Marketing/media/communication qualification or appropriate relevant work experience. Skills and Behaviours: Proven experience in a similar role, demonstrating proficiency in digital communication and social media management. Excellent written and oral communication skills, including strong proofreading capabilities. Complete tasks in a timely manner and meet defined deadlines. Maintain attention to detail, even under pressure. Strong project coordination skills. Demonstrate integrity, empathy, and compassion towards the organisation’s client groups. Operate autonomously while maintaining accountability and working within organisational frameworks. Show openness to learning from others, taking on constructive feedback, and providing solutions. Exercise initiative and deliver constructive feedback in a professional and respectful manner. A passion and interest to work for a not-for-profit organisation. Ready to Create Change? Apply Now: To be considered for this position, please apply now with your resume. If you have any further questions, please contact Kristina There is no closing date for this role; apply as soon as possible as applications will be reviewed as received. At Beaumont People, we believe a diverse workplace is a happy workplace, and we love working with organisations that feel the same way. We encourage applications from people of all different backgrounds, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people from CALD backgrounds, and people with disabilities. We do not discriminate based on race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, marital or parental status. Should you require a reasonable accommodation to be made for your application to be assessed we would be more than happy to discuss how that can be arranged. • Mon, 04 MarBeaumont People
Social Media Executive » Currumbin Waters, Gold Coast South - Be part of our Marketing Team to support our evolving organisation and bring new precincts, attractions, and innovations to life Make a genuine difference working with the dedicated team at the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary Voted one of the Gold Coast’s most popular tourist destinations About National Trust Queensland & the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary National Trust of Australia (Queensland) [NTAQ]) is membership-based, environmental charity which offers people the opportunity to feel connected to significant places, collections, and stories. NTAQ manages a diverse portfolio of heritage properties, which includes one of the Gold Coast’s most popular tourist destinations, Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. As one of Queensland’s earliest nature-based tourist destinations, the Sanctuary is a physical embodiment of everything the NTAQ represents: to conserve and advance our natural and cultural heritage for future generations. We are seeking a creative and passionate Social Media Executive to join our team. Reporting to the Digital Marketing Manager, this role will be responsible for managing and growing our social media presence across various platforms. You will play a key role in creating engaging content, interacting with our online community, and promoting our sanctuary's mission and initiatives. About the Role The key purpose of the Social Media Executive is to engage existing and new customers, donors and volunteers for National Trust of Australia’s brands in an authentic and meaningful way across all social media channels. You will be an integral part of our Marketing & Digital Department and will develop and deliver the social media content and engagement strategy across our social channels. Additionally, you'll collaborate closely with internal teams to plan and execute social media campaigns and promotions, while analysing and reporting on social media metrics to evaluate campaign success and identify areas for improvement. The successful candidate will have an opportunity to work across a range of National Trust of Australia (Queensland) businesses and brands including Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, Currumbin Wildlife Hospital, Honey World and more. This is the perfect opportunity to flex your creativity and be part of a meaningful organisation. About You To excel in this role, you should have proven experience in managing social media platforms for multiple brands. Your strong writing and editing skills, keen interest in latest social trends together with a keen eye for detail, will be essential for creating engaging content. Other key skills we are looking for include: Proven experience in a relevant field (strategic social media management, campaign management, content creation). Experience managing multiple accounts using social media management software. Experience developing comprehensive social media strategies, guidelines and plans. Sound analytical skills with the ability to understand our customer through data and reporting on performance. Experience creating content for paid advertising and managing media agencies. Experience creating and managing an influencer strategy & creating quality content and reels using video and photo editing software. Goal orientated, able to post with purpose, prioritising items that will help the team achieve business objectives Exceptional organisation skills with the ability to manage multiple priorities and deadlines simultaneously. Tourism knowledge and/or experience an advantage. Ability to work independently and flexibility to work onsite to be available to other business units. Be prepared to work in an outdoor environment, in all weathers, in a role that requires substantial walking in a workplace that has native wildlife such as birds and reptiles. What we can offer Just as our charter is to protect, conserve, and celebrate the Environmental, Built and Cultural heritage of our State and we also are committed to ensuring our Team Members are protected, taken care of, and of course celebrated We offer current and future team members: Flexible Work Practices Free On Site Parking Tertiary Education Partners for access to recognized Qualifications NTAQ Team Member Card offering unlimited entry to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary and other SEQ sites and generous retail & food & beverage discounts Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary Family & Friends Passes To apply online, please click on the appropriate link below. Alternatively, for a confidential discussion, please contact Aleisha Balle on , quoting Ref No. 1162194. • Mon, 04 MarNational Trust of Australia
Media & HPE Teacher - Marymount College (Sec), BURLEIGH WATERS » Brisbane, QLD - Media & HPE Teacher Full Time | Fixed Term | Term 2 Tenure Located just 3kms from the Gold Coast Graduates... encouraged to apply Commencing 15th April 2024 Media & HPE Teacher Full Time | Fixed Term | Term 2 Tenure Gold Coast Location... • Mon, 04 MarBrisbane Catholic School$81628 - 117566 per year
Social Media Manager » Australia - Location: Office location will be determined dependant on the right applicant, as we have offices based in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane We are looking for a Social Media Manager to work within one of our agencies. This is a great opportunity for an experienced and passionate Social Media marketing candidate to grow their career and learn from the best.The Social Media Manager will manage clients’ social presence and ensure all relevant communication, across the business, is supported on key social platforms to effectively engage varied client segments. Responsibilities: Managing the social media marketing strategy for our clients on various platforms Execution of all social media activities for our brandand our clients. Communicating in a professional, but unique social media “voice” for each client; directly aligned with the clients’ thought leadership and content platform. Creating social media campaigns and calls-to-action that drive target buyers to client sites What we are looking for: Someone with solid experience in Social Media Marketing (agency or client-side) Someone with an inquisitive and strategic mindset who is interested in how consumers behave and interact online A talented wordsmith who understands how to create engaging copy for various social platforms Someone with an eye for detail and a passion for content creation and planning You’ll need to have: A strong understanding of popular social networks – design, functionality, users Demonstrated understanding of social media management guidelines and the role of social media and its effects Proficiency in social listening tools High attention to detail withexcellent verbal, written, and presentation skills Experience in summarising insights and conversations to create actionable, client-facing reports that lead to optimisation Please apply using the link below. Only successful applicants will be contacted for an interview. Be careful - Don’t provide your bank or credit card details when applying for jobs. Don't transfer any money or complete suspicious online surveys. If you see something suspicious, report this job ad . J-18808-Ljbffr • Mon, 04 MarWPP AUNZ
Social Media and Production Coordinator » Perth CBD, Perth - Digital & Search Marketing (Marketing & Communications) Are you a creative, and strategic thinker with a passion for social media marketing and creating engaging marketing content? We’re on the lookout for a talented Social Media & Production Coordinator to join our Marketing Operations team and play a pivotal role in shaping Curtin University Malaysia’s online presence, building Curtin’s global brand, and encouraging the next generation to study at Curtin Malaysia. Working closely with the Marketing Operations Manager (located in Miri), the Social Media & Video Manager (located in Perth), and Design Manager (Perth) you’ll plan, develop and implement engaging social media content that supports Curtin Malaysia’s strategic marketing programs, and supports our strategic marketing objectives. You’ll also lead a small team of Design, Video and Copywriting professionals to coordinate the day-to-day production of marketing assets for the Curtin Malaysia. This role offers the exciting opportunity to work with a global marketing team, as part of Curtin University’s global brand, giving you the chance to collaborate with and learn from other social media marketing experts. In this role, you will: Develop, curate, and deliver engaging, brand-aligned social media content across various platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and YouTube Collaborate with our Marketing Operations team to create an annual Social Media Plan that engages priority audiences, supports our brand, and achieves acquisition KPIs Implement an annual Social Media calendar for Curtin Malaysia's official social media channels Analyse data to optimize social media and digital marketing initiatives, seeking innovative ways to enhance performance Lead a production team of Design, Video and Copywriting professionals, ensuring the day-to-day coordination and prioritisation of work in line with the marketing strategy Collaborate with internal stakeholders, agencies, and partners to ensure social media campaigns are optimised for success Maintain a consistent brand voice across Curtin Malaysia’s social media channels and content and handle community management on a day-to-day basis Provide support and guidance for crisis management, even outside of office hours when required Monitor and report on campaign performance metrics and implement paid social media strategies in collaboration with other digital marketing team members Stay updated on the latest industry trends, best practices, and emerging social media channels and apply them to Curtin Malaysia’s social media planning Liaise with other Marketing Operations team members to ensure projects and campaigns are delivered on time, within budget, and on target About you To be successful in this role, you will have: A proven track record in creating high-quality social media content for various platforms. Strong research and writing skills with great attention to detail. Experience in using social media publishing platforms and analytic tools. The ability to lead a team and ensure day-to-day prioritisation of work for the production team. Problem-solving skills and the ability to work independently and as part of a team. Outstanding interpersonal skills and the ability to build strong relationships. The ability to be highly organised, manage multiple social media platforms and meet deadlines. Company information Registration No. 464213-M Your application will include the following questions: What's your expected monthly basic salary? Report this job advert Don’t provide your bank or credit card details when applying for jobs. Researching careers? Find all the information and tips you need on career advice. J-18808-Ljbffr • Mon, 04 MarMalaysia
Social Media Content Creator » Australia - About this opportunity If creating Tiktoks as your 9 to 5 sounds like a dream come true, keep reading. We are currently searching for a passionate content creator to join Team REMMIE. Role Overview Working hand-in-hand with our founder, Riley, and our team, your role is all about showcasing personality in every post and story, engaging our viewers with content that they will want to watch over and over. Responsibilities Create daily content (paid and organic) for all social media channels: TikTok videos, Instagram reels, stories and posts - each optimized for platform-specific algorithms. Manage outsourced models, influencers, photographers and build a network of local content creators. Collaborate with the team, talent and photographers in creating content. Stay ahead of fashion trends, pop culture, and social media shifts to steer our content strategy. Engage with our community by responding to DMs and comments. Requirements Needs to feel at home in front of the camera. An ability to bulk produce social media content A sharp eye for tiktok, instagram trends and a finger on the pulse of social media. Have a strong understanding of lighting, audio, and surroundings. An understanding of video virality. A good taste in music and fashion. Skilled in video editing and digital content creation tools, with proficiency in Photoshop, Illustrator, and Canva. Exceptional communication skills, with a natural flair for engaging audiences on camera. J-18808-Ljbffr • Mon, 04 MarRemmie By Riley
Social Media Advisor - Government sector » Melbourne, VIC - Government agency seeks an experienced Social Media Advisor to be responsible for end-to-end management of its social... media channels Social Media Advisor opportunity Approx. $55-$65 per hour plus Super Full-time, 2-3 month contract... • Sun, 03 MarHudson$55 - 65 per hour
Graphic Designer » Hampton Park, Casey Area - Hiring: Graphic Designer Are you a strong believer of good design? One who strives for a design that speaks volumes? We are looking for a Graphic Designer to join our team This position supports the Marketing Department on all graphic designs. You are an independent hands-on and meticulous designer with outstanding creativity skills. Be in touch with graphic designing trends and the competitive landscape. As a Graphic Designer, you will conceptualise, and provide creative solutions for different touchpoints ranging from digital advertising, social media creatives to print advertising and in-store collaterals. Brainstorming and ideation of thematic and tactical creative concepts, graphic design and layout of advertising and promotional materials. Requirements: • Degree/Diploma in Arts & Design or equivalent • Creative, forward-thinking and a keen eye for aesthetics and details. • • Strong in conceptualization, design and graphics layout • Experienced in designing visuals for a range of media including print, social media campaigns, digital advertising, edm, instore collaterals, etc. • Proficient in Software skills, i.e. Mac Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, After Effect • Minimum 1 years experience • Matured, independent and able to work in a fast-paced environment • Sun, 03 MarCONTENT DRIVER PTY LTD
CRM / Hubspot and Social Media Marketer for a Migration Firm in Australia (Home Based Part Time) » Terrigal, NSW - . Create and curate engaging content for various social media channels, aligning with brand guidelines and marketing objectives.... Monitor and respond to social media interactions, fostering a positive online community and addressing customer inquiries... • Sat, 02 MarVirtual Coworker
CRM / Hubspot and Social Media Marketer for a Migration Firm in Australia (Home Based Part Time) » Manila City, Metro Manila - Terrigal, NSW - and curate engaging content for various social media channels, aligning with brand guidelines and marketing objectives.... Monitor and respond to social media interactions, fostering a positive online community and addressing customer inquiries... • Sat, 02 MarVirtual Coworker
Title: Social Media Manager » The Rocks, Sydney - Since 1977, King Living has pioneered quality Australian design, continually pushing the boundaries of what furniture can achieve. Designed to adapt to our changing lives and last for generations, our furniture marries the power of innovation with traditional handcrafted methods. King Living has expanded from a homegrown business into a global brand. A family owned and run Australian company headquartered from our Support Centre in Sydney, our Showrooms and manufacturing centres span Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, China, USA and Thailand. At King Living , we are dedicated to creating simplicity and balance in both our living spaces and our work environment. We take pride in our past accomplishments and are thrilled by the possibilities of the future. The Opportunity The Social Media Manager is a creative customer-centric role that combines visual storytelling with an analytical mindset to manage the social media channels for King Living. With a strong background in end-to-end social media management including strategy, content development & management and community engagement, the Social Media Manager will use performance insights and industry trends to develop the King Living owned platforms across all markets. As part of the content and communications team and working closely with the wider marketing team, the Social Media Manager will deliver audience engagement and follower growth as well as driving brand and product awareness by communicating the unique benefits of King Living products and collections across all social media platforms. Responsibilities: Own, curate and execute social calendar across platforms and markets Oversee the creation and management of all published content across global platforms including Instagram, Facebook, Pintrest, Youtube, LinkedIn Manage the implementation of the influencer and KOL strategy as well as providing recommendations for channel engagement and growth Support China social Media Manager across all platform including WeChat, Redbook and Douyin Support with lead generation and paid activity as required Track and analyse analytics to gain insight into traffic, demographics and effectiveness. Utilise this information to positively affect future outcomes Stay up to date with social media trends, best practises and updates and provide regular communication to the wider marketing team Ensure content is optimised for platform, SEO and adheres to brand style guide and best practice Provide alignment of social media and content management with media channels, campaigns and product plans Uncover opportunities to maximise current marketing plans, engage consumers in new ways & increase client loyalty and brand love Communicate with followers, respond to queries in a timely manner and escalate where required Act as the key contact for Community Management working closely with the Customer Reputation Team to provide swift responses and resolutions to customer enquiries and complaints across all King Living platforms Work cross-functionally with key internal stakeholders, including eCommerce, product design, retail, customer service and the wider marketing team to meet King Living’s business requirements About You : University degree in marketing or relevant field is desirable but not required 4-5 years of experience in a similar role Proficient in social media platforms like Sprout, Brandwatch and Emplifi Demonstrated understanding of key social media platforms and familiarity with Chinese platforms. Strong organisational skills and attention to detail Strong understanding of marketing metrics and SEO Excellent copywriting, communication and interpersonal skills Ability to multitask, prioritise, and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment. Ability to work effectively in a cross-functional and collaborative team environment Willingness to upskill across all areas of content creation, production and management Demonstrates a ‘can do’ attitude and problem-solving skills Excellent stakeholder collaboration and engagement Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills Ability to multitask, prioritise, and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment Effectiveness in a cross-functional and collaborative team environments King Living Benefits and Our Offer to You Career development and ongoing product training Supportive and friendly team environment with a true family feel Generous employee, family, and friends product discounts Discounted health insurance, retail brands and vouchers Paid Parental leave Australian owned company with a growing global footprint EAP to support your ongoing health and wellbeing King Living is an equal opportunity employer, all applicants will be considered regardless of your race, sexuality, religion, colour, gender identity or parental status. To be considered for this role you must be an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident with full working rights to work and live in Australia. Apply Now To apply for this role please complete the form bellow. J-18808-Ljbffr • Sat, 02 MarKING Living Inc.
Social Media Specialist » Australia - Proserv is looking to hire a Social Media Specialist from 1- 3 years of experience in social media marketing Strong understanding of social media platforms and best practices Previous experience in the gulf market 5 working Days with Friday & Saturday off. Location in Maadi Apply for this position Full Name Email Phone Upload CV/Resume Allowed Type(s): .pdf, .doc, .docx J-18808-Ljbffr • Fri, 01 MarProfessional Services - Proserv
Social Media Producer - Seven » Dunnstown, Moorabool Area - Melbourne, Australia: Social Media Producer - Seven Job Vacancy: Social Media Producer - Seven Location: Melbourne, Australia Closing Date: 5th March 2024 Seven’s Melbourne Newsroom is looking for a Social Media Producer who is passionate about news and digital to produce content to grow and engage television audiences. You will: Create and organise content for a number of accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Produce engaging and striking assets and posts. Work with internal stakeholders and the wider team with promotional efforts including on-air competitions, and amplification of Talent accounts and activity. Regular moderation of relevant social properties, including comprehensive understanding of escalation protocols. Understand our target audiences and the latest trends in social media and how to optimize activity to deliver on reach and quality benchmarks Assist with the social media coverage for news stories across Australia and the world J-18808-Ljbffr • Fri, 01 MarTVZ Ltd
Social Media Manager (Melbourne) » The Rocks, Sydney - SenateSHJ is one of Australasia’s most successful independent communication consultancies. We help clients build and protect their reputations, influence people and solve their most challenging problems. Our people are astute problem solvers, clear writers, strategic analysts and trusted advisers. We pride ourselves on our work, and our people. Our backgrounds are diverse but our values are shared. Together, we offer a different perspective and smart thinking. We are here when you want someone who cares as much as you. We are here to help make a difference. The role As the Social Media Manager, you will be responsible for supporting the successful delivery of SenateSHJ’s projects and objectives by fulfilling three primary responsibilities: client management, digital marketing, and social media strategy. You will have the opportunity to work across multiple exciting projects simultaneously for a diverse range of clients from large healthcare organisations to not-for-profits. The target audiences you will work with are varied; from teenagers to retirees, and therefore you’ll use a variety of platforms from TikTok to Meta. Key responsibilities include: Providing high quality advice and support to clients and internal stakeholders on digital marketing and social media strategies Participating in client strategy development and problem-solving processes Managing or co-ordinating the day-to-day execution of small projects, or elements of larger multidisciplinary or inter-office projects Promoting best practice digital marketing and communication within SenateSHJ To be successful in this role you will have: Demonstrated experience as a digital marketer and be excited about developing your skillset within an ever-evolving digital space A strong understanding of social media platforms including development of social media content plans and schedules Experience monitoring social media channels and responding to enquiries, comments and complaints Use analytics and data to inform strategy and also measure results of digital marketing activities and present to key stakeholders An ability to develop strong working relationships with clients and internal stakeholders through project delivery A creative and strategic mindset, with a passion for innovative problem solving Strong project management skills and the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously Flexibility and adaptability in fast-paced, dynamic environments A bonus but not essential: Experience with search engine optimisation (SEO) best practices An understanding of UX and UI Experience developing, launching and running Google Search Ad campaigns At SenateSHJ, we are more than just a workplace; you will have the opportunity to wor k with a group of driven people committed to making a difference. Join our dynamic team, where innovation and technology combine to shape the digital landscape and redefine what is possible. If you would like to apply for this role, please use the form below. J-18808-Ljbffr • Fri, 01 MarSenateSHJ
Social Media Manager » Australia - We’re looking for an experienced and enthusiastic Social Media Manager to join our team. The social manager will cultivate a vibrant and engaging social media presence, creating original content tailored for each social platform. Key Attributes & Experience Experienced in creating, producing and scheduling original content for multiple social media platforms including Meta, Pinterest and TikTok. Passionate about social media and fashion with an understanding of luxury goods. Experienced in online and brick-and-mortar retail, with a passion for creating exceptional customer experiences. Great attention to detail. Exceptional communication and organisational skills. Ability to adapt quickly and with positivity to new or changing circumstances. Proven track record of meeting and exceeding targets. Enthusiastic, warm and positive. 1 years experience in social and/or digital marketing. Responsibilities Create and produce beautiful original content in line with the brand aesthetic for multiple social media platforms and digital marketing. Build a holistic social media strategy that successfully grows our social media following, increases engagement and drives sales. Conduct regular trend research and analysis and implement an innovative approach to social media content creation. Manage social media and marketing calendar. Implement and manage CMS Assist in the creative planning and execution of major campaigns, promotions, product launches and events in our brick-and-mortar store. Liaise with creative contractors, negotiate contracts and manage delivery of assets as required. Provide regular, insightful reporting on digital and social media deliverables. Manage community engagement across all platforms, responding to customer messages in a timely manner with excellent customer service. Apply a positive and proactive approach to customer service and problem solving. Work closely with all teams contributing positively to team culture. Maintain a strong connection to the By Baby brand, creating exceptional customer experiences across all channels. Working with By Baby People come first at By Baby. We provide opportunities for career growth and support your development. This is a hybrid role, working from home and our James Street boutique in Fortitude Valley (Brisbane, QLD). It is a full-time position. To apply, please email withyour resume and cover letter telling us more about how you meet the selection criteria and why you would like to join our team. No agency contacts, please. Due to a high volume of applications expected, only successful candidates will be contacted for interview. J-18808-Ljbffr • Fri, 01 MarBybaby
Social Media Manager » Australia - Social Media Manager 12 mths min contract Deeside 4 days office 1 day home 36.000K Our client has an opportunity to join their Social Media Team based in Deeside for 12 months as a Social Media Manager. This role will be responsible for a team of 3 so Line Management experience is essential. You must be creative and brave and used to working in a fast-paced environment. You and the team around you are responsible for creating content that is not only engaging but can attract our customers to our social media channels. Objectives of the team: Awareness - Supporting the growth of the brand Engagement - Turning customers into advocates Creating conversations - Drive leads and create sales You will show initiative and be proactive as well as using your learnings from each piece of content to be able to improve our social media strategy, at the same time as delivering our key social media team goals. Purpose of the role: Responsibility & ownership in planning, development & managing all content across the client's business social channels. Key Responsibilities: Collaborate across other marketing departments to deliver an effective content marketing strategy to meet the business objectives Accountable for all social content marketing, from daily social content to unique social brand noise activation. Delivery of social media strategy/calendar with social team Manage the social media in-house team, workload and cycle planning briefs. Work closely with the PR manager to align key product messaging & campaign launches. Aid the digital marketing team with Blog content, relating to article or photography support. Manage the annual content production/social budgets Provide monthly social media reports across impressions, engagement, and followers, as well as provide analysis to campaign wash-ups Seek out new opportunities to be responsive/reactive across our social platforms. Work with the PR agency on newsjacking opportunities to support social-first media coverage Contribute towards ad hoc marketing activity Key Experience: Passionate about Marketing Good communication across written and verbal skills Excellent attention to detail Good numerical & analytical skills Need to be able to multitask & work across different projects daily Confidence to jump right in, and film or be filmed on social content Make a difference in your career, we expect a lot but you'll get a lot back in return. We will help you grow and develop your career and give you the freedom to show that you care. Benefits include: 15% discount in stores 30% discount at Club Individual Restaurants 33 days holiday (including bank holidays) Pension (NEST) Free onsite parking Onsite electric car charging ports Subsidised staff restaurant Access to savings, discounts and cashback through Reward Gateway Refer a Friend Scheme Christmas Savings scheme Discounted dry cleaning Long service awards Please get in contact to have an informal discussion to allow you J-18808-Ljbffr • Fri, 01 MarHorizon Recruitment Solutions
Social Media Manager » Australia - About Breville Over the past 90 years Breville has grown to become an iconic global brand, deliveringkitchen products to over 70 countries around the globe. Breville enhancespeople’s lives through the delivery of brilliant innovation and thoughtfuldesign based on deep consumer insights, empowering people to do things moreimpressively or easily than they’d thought possible in their own home andultimately allowing them to “Master Every Moment”. A career atBreville is truly a one-of-a-kind experience. It’s more than working for aglobal leader; it’s an opportunity to be a part of something that impactspeople all over the world. About the role We are seeking someone who is creative, passionate and has demonstrated experience managing a range of social media platforms to increase awareness, engagement and empower the organisation's brand. With opportunity to develop the social content capabilities and best practices, you will be responsible for devising and executing campaigns that drive organic engagement and storytelling across our global social media channels. We are looking for a highly creative forward thinker who can think strategically, stretch their content-development muscles and be part of building a social presence that drives brand and business performance. Keyresponsibilities include: Develop and curate engaging content for social media platforms. Maintain unified brand voice across different social media channels. Collaborate with brand and regional teams to create a content calendar. Keep up to date with social media and industry trends. Interact with users and respond to social media messages, inquiries, and comments. Review insights and create reports social media performance. Assist in the development and management of social media marketing and influencer marketing strategy. We’re Interested in Hearing from People Who Have: Possession of a Bachelor’s degree and a track record of 5 years in the social media domain, or an equivalent blend of experience, education, and training. Proven expertise in handling various platforms across major social networks (Sprinklr) Profound familiarity with key social platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, X, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok and LinkedIn. Enthusiastic about everything related to food, cooking, coffee, and social engagement; showcasing a keen willingness to learn and exchange best practices, stay updated on trends, and stay informed about major developments in the social space. Exhibit initiative and independence, maintaining a consistent and dependable work ethic. Exceptional editing and proofreading skills; the ability to critically analyze content within the context of brand messaging, goals, and voice. Outstanding oral, written, and presentation skills are essential. Demonstrated ability to thrive in a team environment, work autonomously, and contribute to driving cultural change. Keyattributes High task and organizational ability withstrong attention to detail Open minded to new ideas Enthusiastic, ambitious, and motivated Customer-focused Confidentiality & Integrity What we offer you: Competitive compensation package A fun and rewarding team environment Opportunity to work for an Australian Stock Exchange listed company Employee assistance program Paid parental leave policy Employee discounts of up to 50% on all our electrical products Corporate health andwellness benefits To Apply Come and make your mark with this global leader by applying today via the Apply Now button. Breville Group is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. J-18808-Ljbffr • Fri, 01 MarBreville USA, Inc.
The Social Media Specialist » Australia - The role of Social Media Specialist in the Caribbean is often one of the most misunderstood roles in the Caribbean. As businesses are getting accustomed to new roles in the digital space, they haven’t fully accepted the role of a Social Media Specialist 100% as yet. Most companies you see believe that because they see their kids or teens using it, you can’t truly be expected to properly compensate someone who has to use these social media platforms on their behalf. This is why when we see Social Media Specialist roles being advertised, they have usually combined it with a bunch of other duties or specializations in an attempt to get as much out of that person as humanly possible. I have seen some of these job postings with duties like helping the waiters and waiting tables in restaurants, being able to lift up to 16kg, fixing computers, handling accounting and so many more unrelated tasks or specializations to the role of Social Media Specialist. So let us take a look at some of the duties, education, and experience that the role should have and ill also throw in the salary ranges for the role. The Social Media Specialist Job Description A social media specialist is responsible for planning, implementing, managing, and monitoring the company’s social media strategy in order to increase brand awareness, improve marketing efforts, and increase sales. This includes creating and publishing content, analyzing and reporting on social media metrics, and engaging with users on social media platforms. The social media specialist should have a strong understanding of the target audience and be able to use that knowledge to effectively create and distribute content. They should also be able to work collaboratively with other members of the marketing team and be able to adapt to new social media platforms and trends as they emerge. Other responsibilities may include conducting market research, collaborating with external influencers, and creating and analyzing paid social media campaigns. Duties of a Social Media Specialist Develop and implement the company’s social media strategy Create and publish engaging and relevant social media content, including text, images, and video Monitor and respond to user comments and messages on social media platforms Analyze and report on social media metrics, such as website traffic and engagement Collaborate with other members of the marketing team to ensure that social media efforts align with overall marketing goals Conduct market research to stay up-to-date on industry trends and developments Collaborate with external influencers to expand the reach of the company’s social media presence Create and analyze paid social media campaigns to increase brand visibility and drive sales Identify and troubleshoot any issues that arise on social media platforms Stay up-to-date on new social media platforms and features, and adapt the company’s strategy as needed. Moderating all user-generated content in line with the moderation policy for each community. Capturing and analyzing the appropriate social data/metrics, insights, and best practices Collaborating with other departments (customer relations, sales, etc.) to manage reputation and coordinate actions Use data to analyze what’s working, what’s not, and reinforce or refocus key messages accordingly. Help convert our brand fans into loyal customers with engaging, responsive, responsible, surprising, and captivating social media interactions. Soft Skills Excellent communication skills : A social media specialist should be able to clearly and effectively communicate with a wide variety of people, both online and in person. This includes the ability to write engaging and compelling social media content as well as the ability to communicate with customers and followers in a friendly and professional manner. Creativity : A social media specialist should be able to come up with fresh and original ideas for content and campaigns that will help to engage the target audience and promote the brand. Adaptability : The world of social media is constantly evolving, and a social media specialist should be able to adapt to new platforms, features, and trends as they emerge. Time management : A social media specialist may be responsible for managing multiple social media accounts and campaigns, and they should be able to effectively prioritize their tasks and manage their time in order to meet deadlines and achieve their goals. Interpersonal skills : A social media specialist should be able to work well with others, including members of the marketing team, external influencers, and customers. This includes the ability to collaborate effectively, listen to others’ ideas, and communicate clearly. Customer service skills : A social media specialist may be responsible for responding to customer inquiries and complaints on social media, and they should be able to handle these interactions in a professional and helpful manner. Qualifications of a Social Media Specialist Proven portfolio of work in Social Media Marketing or as a Digital Media Specialist 2-3 years of experience in social media management, marketing, or a related field Strong writing and communication skills Proficiency with social media platforms and analytics tools Creativity and the ability to come up with engaging content ideas Knowledge of graphic design and photo editing software/apps Experience with paid social media advertising Familiarity with SEO and web analytics Strong organizational and project management skills The ability to work well under pressure and meet tight deadlines A positive attitude and the ability to work well in a team environment. Salary Ranges For Social Media Specialists United States – $49,000 – $62,000usd per year United Kingdom – $26,000 – $56,000usd per year China – $24,000 – $43,000 USD – per year Australia – $51,500 – $72,200usd per year Industry Certifications There is a wide assortment of industry certifications that a Social Media Specialist can get to become certified. Here are a few to get you started that you can check out: Top Books To Read For Social Media Specialists Social Media is a powerful tool that can help exponentially scale a business and build a community. Your clients are on any number of social media platforms and your company has unlimited access to a pool of clients. Your Social Media Specialist can help build awareness for your brand, increase the visibility of its products and services, which can increase the traffic back to your company’s website and improve the company’s sales. By leveraging the data that can be gathered from the various social media platforms, your specialist can also help improve marketing and business development strategies. By responding to comments and messages on social media, a social media specialist can help to build relationships with customers and create a sense of community around the brand. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and advocacy. By developing and managing paid social media campaigns, a social media specialist can help to increase the reach of the company’s content and drive sales. If you are someone who is looking to become a Social Media Strategist than you can look at some of the courses laid out that will help you become certified internationally within our industry. I will also stress that to truly get to know a candidate is through their body of work/portfolio. This will ultimately give you the greatest look into their abilities and what you can expect when bringing them into your organization. Anybody can pass the tests, get the degrees and certifications but with digital marketing, you should be able to look and see the work that they have done online. You can use that to determine if this person is ultimately the right fit. If you want to learn about the Digital Strategist role and get a breakdown of their duties, salaries and where you can get certifications, check out my Digital Strategist Job Guide . J-18808-Ljbffr • Fri, 01 MarKeron Rose
Social Media Marketing Specialist » Mackay Region, Queensland - Social Media Marketing Specialist Hiring at Green Suggest: Join our dynamic marketing team at Green Suggest as a Social Media Marketing Specialist. We are seeking a creative and data-driven individual who can develop and implement effective social media strategies to drive brand awareness, engagement, and growth. Responsibilities: – Develop and execute innovative social media marketing campaigns across various platforms. – Create compelling and shareable content, including text, images, and videos. – Monitor and analyze social media performance using analytics tools to optimize campaigns and track key performance indicators (KPIs). – Identify and engage with target audiences, influencers, and industry partners. – Collaborate with cross-functional teams to align social media efforts with overall marketing objectives. – Stay up to date with social media trends, best practices, and emerging platforms. – Respond to customer inquiries and feedback on social media channels in a timely and professional manner. – Manage social media advertising campaigns and budgets, optimizing for maximum return on investment (ROI). – Track and report on social media metrics and insights to measure campaign effectiveness. Requirements: – Proven experience in social media marketing, preferably in a similar role. – In-depth knowledge of social media platforms, algorithms, and best practices. – Excellent written and verbal communication skills. – Creative mindset with the ability to generate engaging content ideas. – Proficiency in using social media management and analytics tools. – Strong analytical skills to interpret data and make data-driven decisions. – Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, collaborative environment. – Familiarity with digital marketing principles and strategies. – Passion for staying up to date with the latest trends and innovations in social media marketing. Why Join Us: – Opportunity to make a significant impact on our brand’s social media presence and audience engagement. – Work with a collaborative and supportive marketing team. – Room for creativity and innovation in developing social media strategies. – Competitive compensation package and benefits. – Professional development opportunities to enhance your skills and expertise in social media marketing. To apply, please submit your resume, portfolio showcasing your social media marketing work, and a cover letter highlighting your relevant experience and passion for social media marketing. We look forward to reviewing your application and welcoming you to our team of social media marketing specialists at Green Suggest. Apply now and help us leverage the power of social media to amplify our brand presence and engage with our target audience at Green Suggest. J-18808-Ljbffr • Fri, 01 MarGreensuggest
Social Media Coordinator - Dotti » Dunnstown, Moorabool Area - We seek only the best candidates who are passionate brand ambassadors and determined to contribute to our team's performance. We are always on the look-out for dedicated, fashion forward and like-minded individuals Apply now Job no: 778499 Work type: Full time Location: Melbourne - Central Categories: Marketing About Dotti Dotti believes that fashion is meant to be fun We regularly scout the high streets around the globe to provide fresh outfit inspiration to make sure you feel as if the world is your own personal catwalk. Dotti is part of Australia most successful retail giants ‘The Just Group’, consisting of 7 brands – Jacqui E, Jay Jays, Just Jeans, Peter Alexander, Portmans and Smiggle. About the Role We are looking for a fashion loving, creative and sociable Social Media Coordinator to join the Dotti Marketing team Working with the Marketing Team, you will be responsible for creating engaging content to drive our social media strategy, delivering on brand and communication goals, increasing followers, reach, engagement and conversion. This role is full time based at our Support Office on St Kilda Rd. Responsibilities: Work with the Marketing Team to develop and evolve the social media content and strategy Explore and implement new ways to leverage social media channels to increase brand awareness, sales and drive traffic to our website and stores Research, Plan and Produce creative for use on all social media channels Create social media advertising campaigns that deliver on specific brand and tactical objectives Coordinate and implement the content for our social channels TikTok, Instagram and YouTube Provide weekly and monthly summary reporting and insights on the brand’s social media performance Skills & Experience You have demonstrated experience in social media, even on your own channels Tertiary education in a marketing-related field would be ideal Working knowledge of retail industry would be handy but not imperative You are passionate about our customers’ wants and needs, the brand and our product range You’re creative and enjoy working within a fast-paced environment with a great team Strong organisational and time management skills including solid attention to detail Centrally located office on St Kilda Rd over looking Fawkner Park Incredible staff discount to be used on across all Just Group brands Bring your dog to work Advertised: 26 Feb 2024 AUS Eastern Daylight Time Applications close: 13 May 2024 AUS Eastern Standard Time We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and communities. We pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and to Elders, past, present and emerging. J-18808-Ljbffr • Fri, 01 MarDotti Pty Limited
Social Media Student Content Assistant » Sydney, NSW - to promote programs and introduce future students to the opportunities available at UNSW. A Social Media Student Content... Assistant (Level 2) provides support on creating social media content to support Future Students marketing activities... • Fri, 01 MarUNSW Fitness and Aquatic Centre Management
Media Advisor , Queensland Building and Construction Commission » Brisbane, QLD - , senior leaders, the QBCC communication team (including the social media team) and other government agencies and ministerial...The purpose of the Media and Government Relations Media Advisor role is to assist in engaging with the media... • Fri, 01 MarQueensland Government
Senior Media Officer & Writer » Australia - marketing team that consists of 2 other communications staff that are responsible for the website and social media and 4...-aligned, talented senior media officer and writer with 5+ years experience, to join a team making a big difference for native... • Fri, 01 MarInvasive Species Council$90000 - 105000 per year
Social Media Specialist » Brisbane, Brisbane Region - Brisbane City location, close to public transport 3-6month temporary assignment, immediate start – part time 20 hrs per week Competitive hourly rates About the business people2people are partnering with a government owned organisation who are looking for a Social Media Specialist to join their team based in Brisbane CBD. About the role Reporting to the Manager of External Communications, the purpose of the Social Media Specialist is to provide effective aligned strategic input and advice into all social media functions and platforms. The role will see you responsible for Providing input to internal & external communications and projects Taking a proactive approach in ensuring alignment of strategies across all platforms Translation of legislation, issues and policies into digestible social media content Management of multiple social media platforms Content creation and distribution Collaboration with various internal and external stakeholders in order to achieve group and strategic objectives Contribution to the development and implementation of broader internal and external communication activities and projects Selection criteria In order to be successful in this role, you will have Previous Social Media Management experience, preferably gained within a B2B environment Strong computer literacy skills – Adobe Creative Suite, Canva and MS Office Suite The ability to remain proactive and autonomous within a well-established team Visual storytelling ability Strong communication and interpersonal skills Benefits Central location Opportunity to create positive change and impact of awareness to established business Work within a small, well-rounded team Chance to collaborate with likeminded individuals This is a great opportunity for an experienced Social Media Specialist to join a collaborative team environment on a short-term, temporary assignment. If you are interested in bringing brand awareness and creating positive imagery – APPLY TODAY. You can contact Georgia on (07) 3118 0125 if you have additional questions regarding this exciting opportunity. Operating for over 18 years in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, people2people, Edge Recruitment and Frog Recruitment are your award-winning recruitment group and HR solutions provider. We are the 2022 Outstanding Large Agency, 2023 Excellence in Candidate Care and 2023 Excellence in Client Service RCSA Award winners. We mitigate our carbon emissions by measuring them and planting the equivalent in trees. At people2people, Edge Recruitment and Frog Recruitment, everyone is welcome and as an inclusive workforce, we encourage our employees, clients, and candidates to showcase their authentic selves. • Fri, 01 Marpeople2people
Social Media Manager » Waterloo, Sydney - Spearhead the marketing and social media strategy for a top-tier property marketing consultancy Are you a dynamic marketing enthusiast with a flair for storytelling and digital innovation? Your opportunity to shine in a leading property marketing consultancy is here Key Highlights: Spearhead the marketing and social media strategy for a top-tier property marketing consultancy Benefit from a hybrid work setup with flexible hours, promoting work-life balance. Work in an inspiring, well-located office space that fosters creativity and collaboration. Imagine shaping the digital persona and narrative for a renowned entity in the property sector, celebrated for its innovative marketing solutions since 2006. This opportunity invites an ambitious Social Media Manager to lead and elevate its online presence and brand story. Your Mission: Develop a leading-edge marketing and social media strategy that distinguishes the brand in the competitive property industry. Manage a content calendar that accurately represents the brand's values and market leadership. Engage in collaborative efforts with creative and strategic teams to produce impactful campaigns. Utilise analytics to guide strategy, inform decision-making, and optimise future marketing initiatives. Who Should Apply: Individuals with 2 years of experience in social media marketing roles, possessing a passion for digital content creation and storytelling. Creative minds skilled in content creation tools with a forward-thinking approach to collaboration and trend-setting. Professionals adept in reporting and performance analysis, driven to achieve digital marketing excellence. Join a team where your creativity, strategic insight, and passion for marketing will drive success in the property marketing landscape. Hit that Apply button Contact Annabelle today at 02 8396 6800 / email for more info • Fri, 01 Mars2m Digital
Senior Advisor Communication and Media , Residential Tenancies Authority » Brisbane, QLD - We are seeking an experienced Senior Advisor Communication and Media to join the Communication and Education team... Communication and Media leads a small, high-performing team that drives corporate internal and external communication, engagement... • Fri, 01 MarQueensland Government
Lecturer, Media (Screen), ongoing role with RMIT » Melbourne, VIC - of the built environment, education, media & communication, global & social studies and across all fields of art and design...Offer Description Full-Time, Ongoing Position for a Lecturer in Media (Screen) Salary Academic Level B (105000... • Thu, 29 Feb
Casual Professional - Social Media Student Content Assistant (International) » Sydney, NSW - Professional roles. Responsibilities include providing support with creating social media content to support Future Students... why I love UNSW". You are also encouraged to share a social post from your social media account to show your content style.... • Thu, 29 FebUNSW Fitness and Aquatic Centre Management
APS 6 - Media and Communication Officer » Russell, ACT - talking points, media releases, social media content, fact sheets and articles; Identifying risks and opportunities... successful production of communication plans including talking points, media releases, social media content, fact sheets and articles... • Thu, 29 FebDefence Australia$88175 - 100724 per year
Digital Media Manager - Motoring » West Perth, WA - marvels in the digital domain, orchestrating captivating campaigns across search, display, social media, and programmatic...Join an Iconic WA based organisation Development of the marketing strategy across all digital media channels Full... • Thu, 29 FebRAC
Senior Media And Search Manager » Melbourne, VIC - and purpose come together create meaningful impact. We have an exciting opportunity to join our CDMO team as a Senior Media... and Search Manager. Reporting into the Media and Search Director, the role assists the team in the management of all paid media... • Thu, 29 FebL'Oréal
Media Officer » Melbourne, VIC - , and other communications materials. 2. Monitoring media coverage and compiling press clippings or reports. 3. Managing social media accounts... and well being of everyday Australians. Job Description 1. Assisting in drafting press releases, media advisories... • Thu, 29 FebMichael Page$80000 - 90000 per year
Social Media Manager » Sydney, Sydney Region - We are looking for a highly collaborative, passionate and results-driven Social Media Manager Since 1977, King Living has pioneered quality Australian design, continually pushing the boundaries of what furniture can achieve. Designed to adapt to our changing lives and last for generations, our furniture marries the power of innovation with traditional handcrafted methods. King Living has expanded from a homegrown business into a global brand. A family owned and run Australian company headquartered from our Support Centre in Sydney, our Showrooms and manufacturing centres span Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, China, USA and Thailand. At King Living , we are dedicated to creating simplicity and balance in both our living spaces and our work environment. We take pride in our past accomplishments and are thrilled by the possibilities of the future. The Opportunity The Social Media Manager is a creative customer-centric role that combines visual storytelling with an analytical mindset to manage the social media channels for King Living. With a strong background in end-to-end social media management including strategy, content development & management and community engagement, the Social Media Manager will use performance insights and industry trends to develop the King Living owned platforms across all markets. As part of the content and communications team and working closely with the wider marketing team, the Social Media Manager will deliver audience engagement and follower growth as well as driving brand and product awareness by communicating the unique benefits of King Living products and collections across all social media platforms. Responsibilities: Own, curate and execute social calendar across platforms and markets Oversee the creation and management of all published content across global platforms including Instagram, Facebook, Pintrest, Youtube, LinkedIn Manage the implementation of the influencer and KOL strategy as well as providing recommendations for channel engagement and growth Support China social Media Manager across all platform including WeChat, Redbook and Douyin Support with lead generation and paid activity as required Track and analyse analytics to gain insight into traffic, demographics and effectiveness. Utilise this information to positively affect future outcomes Stay up to date with social media trends, best practises and updates and provide regular communication to the wider marketing team Ensure content is optimised for platform, SEO and adheres to brand style guide and best practice Provide alignment of social media and content management with media channels, campaigns and product plans Uncover opportunities to maximise current marketing plans, engage consumers in new ways & increase client loyalty and brand love Communicate with followers, respond to queries in a timely manner and escalate where required Act as the key contact for Community Management working closely with the Customer Reputation Team to provide swift responses and resolutions to customer enquiries and complaints across all King Living platforms Work cross-functionally with key internal stakeholders, including eCommerce, product design, retail, customer service and the wider marketing team to meet King Living’s business requirements About You : University degree in marketing or relevant field is desirable but not required 4-5 years of experience in a similar role Proficient in social media platforms like Sprout, Brandwatch and Emplifi Demonstrated understanding of key social media platforms and familiarity with Chinese platforms. Strong organisational skills and attention to detail Strong understanding of marketing metrics and SEO Excellent copywriting, communication and interpersonal skills Ability to multitask, prioritise, and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment. Ability to work effectively in a cross-functional and collaborative team environment Willingness to upskill across all areas of content creation, production and management Demonstrates a ‘can do’ attitude and problem-solving skills Excellent stakeholder collaboration and engagement Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills Ability to multitask, prioritise, and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment Effectiveness in a cross-functional and collaborative team environments King Living Benefits and Our Offer to You Career development and ongoing product training Supportive and friendly team environment with a true family feel Generous employee, family, and friends product discounts Discounted health insurance, retail brands and vouchers Paid Parental leave Australian owned company with a growing global footprint EAP to support your ongoing health and wellbeing King Living is an equal opportunity employer, all applicants will be considered regardless of your race, sexuality, religion, colour, gender identity or parental status. To be considered for this role you must be an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident with full working rights to work and live in Australia. • Wed, 28 FebKing Living
Social Media & Content Specialist » Newstead, Brisbane - Join Domino's social media team, crafting compelling content, engaging with their community and contributing to the brand's growth and reputation. WHO WE ARE At Domino’s, we’re driven by a passion to connect people with faster, fresher, tastier food. With more than 860 stores and 20,000 team members, we are proud to be the largest pizza company in Australia & New Zealand – safely preparing and delivering thousands of piping hot pizzas to hungry customers every week. We’re a global, ASX-100 listed business operating in twelve markets around the world (Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Japan, Germany, Luxembourg, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore and Cambodia). We’re driven by a passion to connect people with faster, fresher quality food. In doing this, we’ve become a leader in the food-technology space, achieving industry firsts in drone delivery, app ordering, voice assistants, artificial intelligence and augmented reality. We’re committed to constantly enhancing our customer's lives and continually improving and innovating our product, our people and our technology to make sure our customers receive a world class experience. THE ROLE The Social Media & Content Specialist will play a crucial role in managing and expanding our social media presence across various platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, X, TikTok and YouTube. They will have the opportunity to craft compelling content, engage with our community, and contribute to our brand’s growth and reputation. Key Accountabilities Develop and implement effective social media strategies to increase brand awareness, engagement, and audience growth across several platforms. Create engaging and visually appealing content, including text, images, and both short and long form videos, tailored to each social media platform. Monitor, respond to, and engage with comments and messages on our social media channels in a timely and engaging manner. Collaborate with the marketing team to plan and execute social media campaigns and promotions. Analyse social media data and performance metrics to identify trends, insights, and opportunities for improvement. Be comfortable presenting to the camera for livestreams, stories, and other video content. Stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices in social media marketing. Work closely with internal teams, including but not limited to other marketing departments, Communications, Operations (both Australia and New Zealand), Vocal, Legal and Franchisees WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR Bachelor’s degree in marketing, Communications, or a related field (or equivalent work experience). Proven experience in social media management, with a portfolio of successful campaigns on platforms like X and TikTok. Strong understanding of social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, X, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc.) and their algorithms. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Comfortable presenting to the camera and excellent on-camera presence. Proficiency in graphic design and video editing software Analytical mindset with the ability to interpret data and make data-driven decisions. Creative thinker with a passion for staying updated on emerging trends in social media marketing. THE BENEFITS Work in a fun and dynamic team environment for one of Australia’s largest global brands Flexible working conditions, including one day working from home Growth and development opportunities Annual bonus of up to 10% of salary Sample new products before they hit stores Access to a number of unique ‘work perks’, including lunch when working in the office, regular Social Club and Marketing events, and the ability to give to charity through your pay. Gybe Consulting is managing the recruitment of this position on behalf of Domino's Pizza Enterprises. If you have any questions about the role, please reach out to Michael Johns via SCR-michael-johns • Wed, 28 FebGybe Consulting Pty Ltd
Communications and Social Media Specialist » Salisbury, Brisbane - Job Description BlueScope is an Australian-born, global success story, spanning 18 countries, with a team of over 15,000 people. We’re driven by innovation and are proud that the technologies in our products and brands, like COLORBOND® steel, inspire and protect everything from hospitals and bridges to stadiums and homes. The Opportunity Come and discover a career at our Orrcon Steel business at our Salisbury location as a Communications and Social Media Specialist . Orrcon Steel is a manufacturer of steel tube and pipe and leading Australian steel distributor with nationally recognised brands. At Orrcon we’re passionate about driving sustainability outcomes that matter to our communities. We’re also focussed on innovation, using technology such as VR and marketing automation to increase our customers’ experience. Reporting to the Marketing Manager, you will be responsible for managing internal and external social media communications for Orrcon and Metalcorp businesses. You’ll work alongside a supportive, experienced, and diverse team where your ideas and contribution will be valued and encouraged. You don’t have to come from a steel background - perhaps you have developed your Social Listening and Social Benchmarking skills in a broader manufacturing, corporate or agency space. Where you will add value from day one will be by using your natural curiosity and inquisitive nature to learn about our products and curate engaging and creative content. Guiding various business stakeholders on Orrcon’s brand positioning and key brand messages, you’ll ensure our brands are consistently represented. You will receive a competitive remuneration package, attractive superannuation options and a profit share plan (annual bonus) along with formal and informal learning to expand your skills. You’ll also have access to various health and wellbeing initiatives such as fitness passports and our EAP provider. What Will You Do? As a valued team member of the marketing communications team, you will: curate engaging and creative on-brand content take ownership of our social media strategy and guide the business toward future enhancements liaise and build relationships with the business to generate positive PR stories upskill our leaders on communication skills and social media engagement More About You As the Subject-Matter-Expert in content creation, you will have a demonstrated understanding of communication & social media channels and their back-end structures. You will bring: proven experience with activating communications and communications campaigns the ability to engage and influence people at all levels of business a comprehensive analytical skills set, allowing you to observe, assess and make use of data a relevant tertiary qualification such as marketing, journalism or communications be experienced in the use of social suites such as Brandwatch and Hootsuite as well as the full MS Office Suite Why BlueScope As BlueScope continues to go from strength to strength, a career with us provides you with the opportunity to grow and be rewarded. At BlueScope, you will: create and deliver innovative solutions that drive transformation in our business make an impact that really does shape the world we live in keep growing through continuous learning and development opportunities enjoy the sense of belonging that comes from working with people who genuinely look out for one another At BlueScope, our people are our strength, and we don’t say that lightly. We want our people to be successful, and to be safe. We offer work-life flexibility through our B-flex program and make sure our inclusive work environment welcomes people of all backgrounds. We’re passionate about driving sustainability outcomes that matter to our communities, including action on climate and our 2050 net zero goal. And we’ll do this through Our Purpose: We create and inspire smart solutions in steel, to strengthen our communities for the future. Come and discover us at Together we can make a world of difference. • Wed, 28 FebBlueScope
Senior Communication and Media Officer , Residential Tenancies Authority » Brisbane, QLD - We are seeking an experienced Senior Communication & Media Officer to join the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA...). In this role, you will plan, write and continuously improve internal and external content, media and engagement campaigns... • Wed, 28 FebQueensland Government
Backend Engineer (Java), Media Platform, Content & Discovery » Sydney, NSW - of our Core Media team's microservices, focusing on images and fonts, by writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code... to the development and implementation of product initiatives. About the team The Media Platform group is on a mission... • Wed, 28 FebCanva
Senior Backend Developer (Java), Media Platform, Content & Discovery » Sydney, NSW - development and optimization of our Core Media team's microservices, focusing on images and fonts, by writing clean, efficient... initiatives. About the team The Media Platform group is on a mission to build a platform that can process, store... • Wed, 28 FebCanva
Social Media Coordinator » Alice Springs Area, Darwin Region - In conjunction with the Global Content Manager, coordinate and implement Tourism NT’s social media program in line with the Global Brand u0026 Content Team’s content and social media marketing objectives. Effectively manage Tourism NT’s owned global consumer social media channels to enhance positive awareness of the NT as a visitor destination. nThis vacancy may be available in either Alice Springs or Darwin subject to negotiation with the successful applicant. This is a part time vacancy available for 0.4 (14 hrs and 42 mins) per week. • Tue, 27 FebNorthern Territory Government
Social Media & Marketing Intern » Sydney, NSW - with a collaborative, fun team culture. This is a great opportunity for a University Student to gain Social Media and Marketing experience... of digital marketing campaigns, social media content and engagement strategies. Provide support in the creation and optimization... • Tue, 27 FebAshdown People
PPC Specialist (Cupid Media) » Australia - is the world's largest group of social discovery companies which unites more than 50 brands. For more than 20 years..., we have been creating premium international dating services and social discovery apps with a focus on video streaming... • Tue, 27 FebSocial Discovery Group
Social Media Roles » Sydney, NSW - Pyrmont, NSW - and paid social media. You will be experienced in planning and producing content, developing and implementing campaign... and optimising Paid Media campaigns in social Leading the development of creative assets, including ideation, copy and posting... • Tue, 27 FebPublicis Groupe
Social Media Coordinator - Dotti » Melbourne, Melbourne Region - Job no: 778499 Work type: Full time Location: Melbourne - Central Categories: Marketing About Dotti Dotti believes that fashion is meant to be fun We regularly scout the high streets around the globe to provide fresh outfit inspiration to make sure you feel as if the world is your own personal catwalk. Dotti is part of Australia most successful retail giants ‘The Just Group’, consisting of 7 brands – Jacqui E, Jay Jays, Just Jeans, Peter Alexander, Portmans and Smiggle. About the Role We are looking for a fashion loving, creative and sociable Social Media Coordinator to join the Dotti Marketing team Working with the Marketing Team, you will be responsible for creating engaging content to drive our social media strategy, delivering on brand and communication goals, increasing followers, reach, engagement and conversion. This role is full time based at our Support Office on St Kilda Rd. Responsibilities: Work with the Marketing Team to develop and evolve the social media content and strategy Explore and implement new ways to leverage social media channels to increase brand awareness, sales and drive traffic to our website and stores Research, Plan and Produce creative for use on all social media channels Create social media advertising campaigns that deliver on specific brand and tactical objectives Coordinate and implement the content for our social channels TikTok, Instagram and YouTube Provide weekly and monthly summary reporting and insights on the brand’s social media performance Skills & Experience You have demonstrated experience in social media, even on your own channels Tertiary education in a marketing-related field would be ideal Working knowledge of retail industry would be handy but not imperative You are passionate about our customers’ wants and needs, the brand and our product range You’re creative and enjoy working within a fast-paced environment with a great team Strong organisational and time management skills including solid attention to detail Benefits Centrally located office on St Kilda Rd over looking Fawkner Park Incredible staff discount to be used on across all Just Group brands Bring your dog to work Advertised: 26 Feb 2024 AUS Eastern Daylight Time Applications close: 13 May 2024 AUS Eastern Standard Time • Tue, 27 FebThe Just Group
Social Media Coordinator - Dotti » Melbourne, VIC - Alexander, Portmans and Smiggle. About the Role We are looking for a fashion loving, creative and sociable Social Media... content to drive our social media strategy, delivering on brand and communication goals, increasing followers, reach... • Mon, 26 FebThe Just Group
Social Media and Content Advisor » Doncaster, VIC - Are you a passionate content creator and storyteller? Do you love social media (including Facebook and LinkedIn)? Do you love to keep up... to date with the latest trends and technologies related to the digital/social media landscape? We are looking for a creative... • Mon, 26 FebManningham City Council
Paid Social Media Specialist » New South Wales - to accept the challenge. This opportunity As the Paid Social Media Specialist, you will support the Media Lead in driving... business objectives through systematic campaign-specific planning, execution, and overall measurement. The Paid Social Media... • Mon, 26 FebTPG Telecom
Social Media Designer » Australia - Join us and be your own boss, flexible hours - Remote Position! Ready to join a global leader in Personal Development and Leadership? Our 3-step strategy simplifies success worldwide, reaching 150+ countries.Why Join Us? Work Anywhere: Ch... • Sun, 25 FebJumping into the Dream Life
Social Media Manager » The Rocks, Sydney - Drive earned media strategy and results in a fast growing, innovative organisation About Us Compare Club is Australia’s fastest growing personal finance marketplace. Our expert knowledge and assistance makes it easier for thousands of Australians to make better choices when buying large financial products, saving themselves significant amounts of money in the process. We have over 300 employees across Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and abroad. We’re passionate about giving Australian households a better financial future and training our staff to become experts in their chosen field. About the Role As Compare Club’s Social Media Manager, your role is pivotal in driving earned media strategy and achieving impactful results across our primary social platforms. With a focus on delivering compelling content, you'll embody Compare Club's expertise in guiding Australian households towards making better purchasing decisions around expensive financial products. You'll collaborate closely with internal teams such as brand and content, member experience, recruitment, and others to align with overarching brand strategies and marketing objectives. You’ll also help People & Culture support our internal brand positioning and act as a “guide” for the C-suite and senior executives to build their profiles across social media. To be successful in this role, you'll know how to create engaging content that resonates with our target audience, balancing creativity with structured processes and stakeholder management. Supported by a collaborative team, you'll have opportunities for continuous learning and career growth. Knowledge of the financial services and personal finance markets in Australia, especially health insurance, home loans, and life insurance is an advantage but not essential. Knowing how to create great, engaging content that advances the brand is the most important skill for this role. Your key responsibilities will be Social Media Content Production Brand Strategy and Execution Community Management Earned Media Process Development About You 3 years experience creating impactful content for social media, across Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, influencer, and LinkedIn Video production techniques, especially on mobile. An understanding of online communities and had to monitor and track conversations Stakeholder management skills: you must be comfortable working directly with C-suite all the way through the organisation to junior staff. Time management: An ability to adjust to changing priorities and handle multiple projects at once. Copywriting Ability to work with and direct designers. Reputation management Measurement, analytics, and attribution experience. Experience with social media management tools and software. Exceptional attention to detail. Understanding of content production and distribution across internal and external platforms. CMS management. Desirable: Experience working with branded content, either in-house or agency. Experience working with or at PR and influencer agencies Experience working with designers Customer service experience If you’re ready to take the next step in your career and are looking to work for a company that is constantly growing & evolving, Apply Now Compare Club values diversity, inclusion, and equity through providing a working environment where all employees feel included, valued, and free to bring their different skills, experiences, and perspectives Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted • Fri, 23 FebCompare Club
Social Media Specialist Sydney | Warrane Posted Feb 21, 2024 » Warrane, TAS - Sydney, NSW - Company AUSTRALIA #194313 Social Media Specialist Posted By • Sydney | Warrane Date: Feb 21, 2024 Overview... Placement Type: Temporary Start Date: 04 Mar, 2024 Social Media Specialist initial 6 month contract with view to move... • Thu, 22 FebAquent
Virtual Assistant with Social Media Management Expertise for an NDIS Services Provider in Australia (Home Based Part Time) » Manila City, Metro Manila - Chambers Flat, QLD - Social Media Management: Develop and implement comprehensive social media plans aligned with business objectives... engaging content for various social media channels, including graphics, videos, and multimedia materials. Ensure content... • Thu, 22 FebVirtual Coworker
Social Media Coordinator - Witchery » Melbourne, Melbourne Region - Job no: 994639 Work type: Full-Time Location: Melbourne - CBD & Inner Categories: Marketing Role Purpose Witchery’s social media strategy is fundamental to the success of the brand with regards to telling our brand narrative, building brand engagement, reaching new customers and driving sales. The role of the Social Media Coordinator will support the management and implementation of Witchery’s social media strategy across all social channels. We are looking for someone who is passionate about social media to bring their creative thinking, understanding of trends, and eye for fashion to deliver a social media strategy that grows our channels and builds our brand in line with our overall marketing strategy. Key Responsibilities Plan, develop and execute the social media calendar across Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube and other emerging social media channels Create, schedule, post and monitor content to all social platforms. Manage and execute the community engagement strategy to build and nurture connections with the brand community Manage social media analytics and reporting, including ongoing leverage of metrics and data to optimise social channels and performance Monitor customer interaction and community management across all social media channels working closely with the Customer Service team Engage and work closely with marketing team to plan and communicate social calendar Manage social media budget administration, invoicing and reporting Support with content strategy across all platforms including concept development, research, planning and execution Social content capture and editing with a focus on video, planning and attending shoots Lead social trend analysis, algorithm and platform updates, and leveraging these insights to optimise social strategy, concept development and performance Assist with PR initiatives as required across showings, product placement, media engagement, sample co-ordination, budget administration, agency liaison and events Support with tastemaker / influencer program to deliver on social strategy, including agency liaison, product coordination, content reviews and approvals, reporting and ongoing research for an ever-evolving network of the most premium and on-brand talent. Experience Required A minimum of 2 years’ experience in a similar role, preferably within the fashion industry Exemplary understanding and knowledge of the social media landscape Experience with social media planning, scheduling and reporting tools Experience with content capture and editing, with a focus on video Proven ability to work effectively within a team and cross-functionally Strong organisational and project management skills Excellent written and verbal communication skills Willingness to learn, display initiative and take on new responsibilities Well-developed time management, analytical and organisation skills Strong interest in fashion, trends, and culture Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills A high level of attention to detail and accuracy. Why work for us? A competitive remuneration package, including annual performance incentives Generous employee discounts across Country Road Group brands An additional day of leave for your birthday Seasonal clothing allowance across the Country Road Group portfolio of brands Opportunities to support community partnerships across our Corporate Social Responsibility program Be a member of a company committed to sustainable practices Ongoing training and development to pursue individual ambitions. About Witchery Witchery is an aspirational Australian women’s fashion brand that unites a love of design with a contemporary view on sophisticated style. We’re a source of inspiration as we empower today’s women to express themselves through our collections wherever their life or ambition may take them. Ahead of the fashion curve, we design a curated wardrobe for all occasions. We are the Style Authority. We are Witchery. Advertised: 21 Feb 2024 AUS Eastern Daylight Time Applications close: 06 Mar 2024 AUS Eastern Daylight Time Country Road Group is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing a working environment that embraces and values diversity and inclusion. If you have any support or access requirements, we encourage you to advise us at time of application to assist you through the recruitment process. Country Road Group prefers to manage all sourcing directly, please submit your applications to this role if you are interested. Please note introductions via agency will not be accepted. • Thu, 22 FebCountry Road Group
Social Media Coordinator - Witchery » Melbourne CBD, Melbourne - Role Purpose Witchery’s social media strategy is fundamental to the success of the brand with regards to telling our brand narrative, building brand engagement, reaching new customers and driving sales. The role of the Social Media Coordinator will support the management and implementation of Witchery’s social media strategy across all social channels. We are looking for someone who is passionate about social media to bring their creative thinking, understanding of trends, and eye for fashion to deliver a social media strategy that grows our channels and builds our brand in line with our overall marketing strategy. Key Responsibilities Plan, develop and execute the social media calendar across Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube and other emerging social media channels Create, schedule, post and monitor content to all social platforms. Manage and execute the community engagement strategy to build and nurture connections with the brand community Manage social media analytics and reporting, including ongoing leverage of metrics and data to optimise social channels and performance Monitor customer interaction and community management across all social media channels working closely with the Customer Service team Engage and work closely with marketing team to plan and communicate social calendar Manage social media budget administration, invoicing and reporting Support with content strategy across all platforms including concept development, research, planning and execution Social content capture and editing with a focus on video, planning and attending shoots Lead social trend analysis, algorithm and platform updates, and leveraging these insights to optimise social strategy, concept development and performance Assist with PR initiatives as required across showings, product placement, media engagement, sample co-ordination, budget administration, agency liaison and events Support with tastemaker / influencer program to deliver on social strategy, including agency liaison, product coordination, content reviews and approvals, reporting and ongoing research for an ever-evolving network of the most premium and on-brand talent. Experience Required A minimum of 2 years’ experience in a similar role, preferably within the fashion industry Exemplary understanding and knowledge of the social media landscape Experience with social media planning, scheduling and reporting tools Experience with content capture and editing, with a focus on video Proven ability to work effectively within a team and cross-functionally Strong organisational and project management skills Excellent written and verbal communication skills Willingness to learn, display initiative and take on new responsibilities Well-developed time management, analytical and organisation skills Strong interest in fashion, trends, and culture Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills A high level of attention to detail and accuracy. Why work for us? A competitive remuneration package, including annual performance incentives Generous employee discounts across Country Road Group brands An additional day of leave for your birthday Seasonal clothing allowance across the Country Road Group portfolio of brands Opportunities to support community partnerships across our Corporate Social Responsibility program Be a member of a company committed to sustainable practices Ongoing training and development to pursue individual ambitions. About Witchery Witchery is an aspirational Australian women’s fashion brand that unites a love of design with a contemporary view on sophisticated style. We’re a source of inspiration as we empower today’s women to express themselves through our collections wherever their life or ambition may take them. Ahead of the fashion curve, we design a curated wardrobe for all occasions. We are the Style Authority. We are Witchery. • Thu, 22 FebCountry Road
Social Media Manager (Cryptocurrency) » Sydney, Sydney Region - Cryptocurrency is disrupting the world and we need a Social Media Manager to build the hype & drive enthusiastic stakeholders to our platform Company: The company is building a platform using cryptocurrency and they are seeking to develop an engaged membership base of potential clients and end-users. The Social Media Manager will be an integral part of the marketing team and will be engaged to execute campaigns that will build the platform’s brand and position. Connecting our developments with the community you will be responsible for developing content and driving this to build an engaged audience. You will develop content on high-quality social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. You will be responsible for defining and managing the social media content strategy to ensure key business objectives are met. Requirements: Experience in a similar role preferably in IT or finance industry Ability to write concise and compelling content Graphic design skills to develop visual content Exceptional interpersonal skills In-depth knowledge of social media platforms and how to stay ahead of the trends A conceptional understanding of the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency industry Remuneration and benefits: Better than market rate with equity plan Make sure to follow us here to get our most live jobs Cryptorecruit are the worlds leading specialist recruiter for the blockchain/Cryptocurrency industry. We recruit positions from CEO,CTO, Project Manager, Solidity developer, frontend and Backend Blockchain developers to marketing/sales and customer service roles. Please browse our website and at to search all our job vacancies. • Wed, 21 FebCrypto Recruit
Social Media Manager » Sydney, NSW - Carnival Australia is excited to announce P&O Australia are hiring a Social Media Manager to join their Marketing team... Manager – Brand and Content. This role will see you growing social media channels, creating content, managing organic social... • Wed, 21 FebCarnival Australia
Social Media Manager » Sydney, Sydney Region - Carnival Australia is excited to announce P&O Australia are hiring a Social Media Manager to join their Marketing team. This full time 10-month contract position will be based in the Chatswood district of Sydney and report directly to the Marketing Manager – Brand and Content. This role will see you growing social media channels, creating content, managing organic social media, influencer marketing, and community management for P&O Cruises. Collaboration with Marketing and Corporate Affairs is crucial. Social media expertise, creative writing skills, communication abilities, and analytical thinking. Monitoring social media conversations and storytelling are key along with organic social media marketing, community management, and social media strategies. First things first, check out what is on offer Competitive base super bonus. Work life balance – 9 day (compressed hours) working fortnight with full time pay. Yes, that's a long weekend every fortnight Offering a hybrid work model – 2 days WFH and 3 days Office. Fantastic Chatswood office location close to shops, public transport, restaurants, gyms and more Fantastic discount on cruises, onboard product launches, airline, and Hotel discounts through our partners. Accredited as one of the best places to work in Australia in the Great Place to Work® survey 2023. Nominated as one of the best places to work for Women in the Great Place to Work® survey 2023. Click to see more benefits Your key responsibilities will include but are not limited to: Offer strategic advice for social media within the broader marketing and brand strategy, defining the channel's role, tone, and communication plans. Lead external social agencies in implementing various social media initiatives. Manage influencer relationships for 2024 and into 2025 - engaging, negotiating, briefing, and overseeing their output, including travelling and curating their onboard experience. Collaborate with Marketing and PR teams to enhance brand sentiment via organic social media. Guide Content Marketing Specialist in Community Management comms. Create and maintain a monthly content calendar aligned with Marketing and Corporate Affairs/PR activities, regularly monitoring for performance and engagement. The ability to create and edit engaging content, keeping up with new trends. Coordinate live posts on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, integrating brand values into relevant hashtags and handles. Partner with Digital Marketing to ensure a balance between organic and paid streams of social activity. About You: Your profile reflects a results-oriented, confident, and adaptable professional who thrives in fast-paced environments. Your exceptional organizational skills and ability to multitask underscore your strong work ethic. While you perform effectively in small team settings, your independence is where your capabilities truly shine. Your agility, meticulous attention to detail, and proficiency in presenting data-driven insights and solutions set you apart. Your adept communication skills facilitate seamless collaboration with a diverse set of senior stakeholders, while your blend of creativity and analytical acumen ensures successful project outcomes. If you possess a passion for travel and all things social, this role aligns perfectly with your strengths. To be successful in the role, you will have demonstrated: Minimum of 4 years' combined experience in social media and public relations. Demonstrated experience in working for a consumer brand in a corporate environment. Strong stakeholder management skills Exceptional writing and language skills in various formats and for different audiences. Proven ability to manage social media channels in a fast-paced consumer environment. Proficiency in content marketing and its application. Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, understanding their diverse deployment possibilities. Experience in the travel industry is beneficial but not mandatory. Strong decision-making, sound judgment, and project management skills. Resilient under pressure, meets tight deadlines, with a strong work ethic and keen attention to detail. Availability for 24-hour on-call duty and weekend work in Australia and overseas when necessary. Possession of a valid passport is mandatory with ability to travel with minimal notice We are seeking someone with the right attitude to fit into our fun and supportive culture so, if you meet the above requirements, have a down to earth personality and solid work ethic, please send your resume along with examples of your social media work for consideration. Only suitable candidates will be contacted. About Us: Carnival Australia is part of the Carnival Corporation, the worlds' leading cruise holiday company, representing iconic brands including P&O Cruises, Princess Cruises, Cunard, Carnival Cruise Lines, Holland America Line and Seabourn. It's an exciting time to join the local team, with the resumption of cruising in Australia At Carnival Australia we pride ourselves on promoting an inclusive and flexible workplace culture where individual differences are valued. We at Carnival Australia promote diversity and inclusion and encourage applications from all backgrounds and communities, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, the LGBTQIA community, and people living with a disability. Suitable candidates will undergo background checks, which may include police checks, skills assessment/testing, and reference checks. In setting expectations, there will be a two-stage interview process and an assessment of skill. Only approved recruiters on our panel will be engaged, and unsolicited resumes from agency recruiters will not be accepted. • Wed, 21 FebCarnival
Virtual Assistant with Social Media Management Expertise for an NDIS Services Provider in Australia (Home Based Part Time) » Chambers Flat, QLD - Job Description: Social Media Management: Develop and implement comprehensive social media plans aligned... Creation: Create engaging content for various social media channels, including graphics, videos, and multimedia materials... • Wed, 21 FebVirtual Coworker
Social Media Content Creator » Sydney, Sydney Region - Social Media Content Creator About the opportunity Reporting to our Senior Content Manager, this role will see you managing MLC's social media channels (Instagram, LinkedIn, X, YouTube and Facebook). In this consumer-focused role, you get the creativity to do what you want. If you've seen or heard of a new idea that we can incorporate, this is what we want you to produce the content for, and as a seasoned social media professional, you're across new trends on all platforms. You'll develop social campaigns and specific campaigns on a quarterly basis, picking up on themes that are identified and manage the process while producing the assets and executing. Some of your content could go broader than socials, it may move to email campaigns and move to paid social media, and naturally there's an approval process for your content to go through, so you'll have to manage a large number of stakeholders from various departments right across the business. On top of all this, you'll be responsible for producing all social media content, writing, producing the asset and using our social media content platform to push out the post. But that's not the end of it, you'll also monitor the performance of the post and use the results to provide direction for future strategies, so you'll need to be across and have experience in performance reporting. If you like the sound of taking this autonomous role and truly embracing the creativity that comes along with it, we'd love to see your application. What we are looking for in a successful candidate It's really important for that you have previous experience in Social Media Content Creation, as well as expertise using a social media content platform throughout your career. It's also beneficial if you've worked in a large corporation in the past, so you can understand how all the pieces fit together. You have a knack of being able to write short, sharp copy - a natural talent of creating and condensing content for people to want to click through, and quickly and easily build effective working relationships with everyone that you interact with. Full of drive and initiative, you keep up to date with new trends across all forms of social media, and love to turn your thoughts and ideas into creative, captivating posts - always happy to share your ideas with the broader team. You understand the importance of truly being resilient in a role like this, and your communication and presentation skills are second to none. With your strong stakeholder management skills, and (ideally) a background in paid social media and working with external agencies, you're excited at the prospect of bring your previous experience in a similar role to MLC/Insignia Financial. Benefits Kudos - employee benefits and reward scheme Twelve week paid parental leave and childcare bonus Recruitment referral bonus Workplace giving - donate to charity using pre-tax dollars Professional memberships Salary packaging and novated leasing Access to discounted financial advice, mortgage brokers, will and estate planning and more Private health insurance providers Insignia Financial Day - an additional leave day The Business Insignia Financial is one of Australia's leading wealth management organisations, undertaking a rapid and exciting transformation. The Insignia Financial group has been helping Australians secure their future since 1846. Over the decades, we have grown substantially to become a leading provider of quality financial services and are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in the ASX top 200 (ASX: IFL). Applicants will be required to provide evidence of their eligibility to work in Australia, and at a minimum be required to undertake police and basic credit checks as a condition of employment. Please note that applications from agencies will not be considered at this time. At Insignia Financial, we have a culture of belonging. We are an 'every person' organisation that welcomes and appreciates everyone for who they are. If you need assistance or an adjustment during the application process because of your personal circumstances, please reach out and let us know. We recognise and celebrate the value of individual difference. Job ID 7174 • Tue, 20 FebInsignia Financial
SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATOR » Brisbane, Brisbane Region - Throwback to the year 2008, way back when online shopping wasn’t even a thing (can you believe that?) Our CEO extraordinaire Sarah dreamed of creating an online community that loved getting packages delivered for the weekend and experiencing exceptional customer service at their fingertips. After a 21st birthday trip to Paris, Sarah returned with an idea to do just that 15 years later, Beginning Boutique is the go-to online destination for all your weekend event needs That’s right - if you’ve got a ticket to it, we’ve got an outfit for it Based in Brisbane, Australia, we’re looking for excellent people to join our expanding team. We love people who love what they do, push boundaries and strive for personal excellence. If this sounds appealing, then hey, hello, we’d totally love to meet you. Overview: Your role is to build the Beginning Boutique community on multiple social media channels. You will drive not only social community but strive to find ways to continue to get people looking at, viewing, buying and loving our product. You will assist with a variety of different channels and prioritise and create content for each channel accordingly. You will actively seek out opportunities to explore new channels or new features of channels. You will help execute strategies and drive key KPIs on each channel as part of your everyday role. Responsibilities: Plan, capture, and prepare content across all social platforms Film face to camera content to be used across our social platforms Work with the wider marketing team to create monthly content plans for each channel, scheduling and execution of posts Create social media graphics using Canva or InDesign. Content curation including copy writing, ensuring all captions are in line with brand guidelines and tone of voice React to deliveries, popular culture and changes in launches daily with post schedule. Monitor social channels for customer feedback and distribute accordingly Work closely with the paid team to identify the best organic content for paid support Assist on shoots and at events capturing engaging content for socials. Understand ROI and reports on social media strengths and weaknesses using Google Analytics and social-specific metrics, and gathers actionable insights from this data weekly and monthly. Generate competitor analysis for the wider team and relay updates on new social media trends, algorithm changes and anything new across Socials. Have a high understanding of both fashion and social trends across Australia and key international markets Requirements:: To be successful in this role you will need to have the following Marketing degree, or similar Content creation, planning and management across social channels Intermediate excel skills Intermediate graphic design skills - Canva or InDesign Intermediate video editing skills - Premier Pro preferred Ability to find the ‘thumb stopping’ content Ability to report and analyse data and provide actionable insights from that data Great copywriting skills and communication skills with attention to detail Excellent communication and collaboration skills 2 Years experience in a Social Media role previously, ideally in fashion An in-depth understanding of who our customer is and what they love Understanding of social media platforms, systems and content Understanding of paid channels and how they impact organic social Benefits: Flexible working arrangements available Excellent employee discounts on clothing Excellent workplace culture: Regular team events Work a team that loves what they do Work with like-minded people who are passionate and experienced in their fields We care about you: Training and development focus for staff A culture that supports on your health and wellbeing We care about the future: We donate 1% of proceeds to our charity partners through our BB Better initiative We have a sustainability and ethical targets We work with charities year-round If this sounds like you, we would love for you to send your resume, cover letter and some examples of your work through to Only successful applicants will be contacted. • Tue, 20 FebBeginning Boutique
Social Media Executive » North Sydney, North Sydney Area - Social Media Executive COMPANY OVERVIEW: Royal Caribbean International has been delivering innovation at sea for more than 50 years Each successive class of ships is an architectural marvel that features the latest technology and guest experiences for today’s adventurous traveller The cruise line continues to revolutionize vacations with itineraries to 240 destinations in 61 countries on six continents including Royal Caribbean’s private island destination in The Bahamas Perfect Day at CocoCay the first in the Perfect Day Island Collection Royal Caribbean has also been voted “Best Cruise Line Overall” for 19 consecutive years in the Travel Weekly Readers’ Choice Awards Locally we have been voted: 2021 & 2022 Most Trusted Cruise Operator – Reader’s Digest Australia 2022 Best Cruise Line for Activities - Cruise Passenger Readers’ Choice Awards 2019 Best Cruise Line Domestic (4 consecutive years) – AFTA National Travel Industry Awards 2019 Best in South Pacific Large Ship Line Cruise Critic Australia Cruisers’ Choice Destination Awards We are most proud that we are currently on the Forbes World's Best Employers list JOB SUMMARY: The Social Media Executive functions as an integral part of the Australian Marketing team and is responsible for implementing the company’s Social Media strategy planning and monitoring our consumer-focused social media channels (both organic and paid) This position plays a vital role in increasing brand awareness preference and ensuring that our social media channels assist in achieving business needs and driving direct performance Some of your duties include: Work with the Social Media Manager to develop content calendars on a monthly and quarterly basis for consumer-facing social media channels Create daily engaging social content to align with business needs including basic image and video editing as well as copywriting Analyse and assess performance across social media channels through qualitative and quantitive reporting Assist with new channel and campaign rollouts Oversee day to day social media community management in collaboration with customer service team Use social media management platforms such as Falconio in order to manage content engage with consumers and track performanceStay up to do date with the latest social media best practices trends and technologies Research and analyse opportunities to increase brand awareness/community size Provide competitor insights and reporting on a regular basis Communicate and build relationships with internal and external stakeholders Perform other duties as required This job description in no way states or implies that these are the only duties to be performed by the employee occupying this position Employees will be required to perform any other job-related duties assigned by their supervisor or management QUALIFICATION KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS: 2 years of experience in social media or related field Bachelor’s Degree (marketing or related field preferred) Experience within a marketing team in travel & leisure or retail industry preferred Experience with social media platforms including but not limited to Facebook Instagram Pinterest Twitter YouTube TikTok Good understanding of social media KPIs Understanding of third party social media management tools Proven ability to develop content that adjusts to the brand tone of voice and target customer Natural creative flair with experienced writing editing building and crafting of content Good time management and organisational skills Must be a Microsoft Office pro (Word Powerpoint Outlook Excel) Knowledge of Photoshop and Adobe suite programs are a plus Knowledge of online marketing and good understanding of how social media impacts digital performance Excellent written and verbal communication skills Positive attitude detail and customer oriented Team player Self-starter Must ask questions and learn new skills quickly on the job Flexible working hours and travel WHY WORK FOR US: Royal Caribbean Group has been recognized by Ethisphere a global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices as one of the 2021 World's Most Ethical Companies for the sixth consecutive year The experience of travelling to exciting places; the chance to work within a fun and friendly team alongside a fantastic group of people from all over the world; the recognition and support provided by the company; the opportunity to grow your career to the next level and the ability to explore new paths on the open seas are just a few fantastic reasons As one of our Sydney office employees you will have access to ongoing training and development both in-house & externally to enable continuous development We value a flexible work approach to ensure our employees wellbeing continues to come first APPLICATION PROCESS: Please click APPLY now and fill out the required information We thank you for your interest due to the number of applications we ask all candidates to provide their base salary expectation when completing their profile to help us with our screening process It is the policy of the Company to ensure equal employment and promotion opportunity to qualified candidates without discrimination or harassment on the basis of race color religion sex age national origin disability sexual orientation sexuality gender identity or expression marital status or any other characteristic protected by law Royal Caribbean Group and each of its subsidiaries prohibit and will not tolerate discrimination or harassment • Mon, 19 FebRoyal Caribbean Group
Social Media and Digital Content Producer » Canberra, ACT - -edge projects and employers with outstanding business professionals. Our client is seeking to engage a Social Media... is part of a small, high-performing team which develops and executes social media strategy to support Agency's awareness... • Fri, 16 FebChandler Macleod
Social Media Manager » Pyrmont, Sydney - 4 Month Contract Start Date - 4th March 2024 NSW - VIC - ACT MUST BE AU/NZ Citizen (Please note: Those who are not Citizens will not be contacted for this role) Role Overview: Our Government Client is a safeguard for Australians at risk from online harms and promote safer, more positive online experiences. They lead and co-ordinates online safety efforts across Commonwealth departments, authorities and agencies and engages with key online safety stakeholders. It has a broad remit which includes administering complaint schemes and creating audience-specific content and programs to help educate all Australians about online safety. The Social Media team sits within the Media and Corporate Communications section and manages all social channels and paid social media campaigns. We have an active social media presence on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn, using these channels to reach a range of audiences and engage with industry and government stakeholders and thought leaders. Media, Marketing and Digital Content sections to plan and deliver integrated media, marketing and communications the Australian community Essential criteria 1. Knowledge of social media platforms with experience delivering social campaigns 2. Copywriting skills specific to short-form social posts 3. Ability to brief and guide creative processes and outcomes 4. Familiarity with social media management and digital analytic tools 5. Demonstrated experience creating webpages and publishing content in a modern CMS 6. Basic graphic design/Adobe suite skills highly desirable Desirable criteria 1. 3 years' experience in social media management/producer roles with a government/NGO and/or agency background If you wish to apply for this position, please submit your resume by clicking the 'Apply Now' button. For further information please contact Jordan Smith at Clicks IT Recruitment on 61 447 714 329. At Clicks we embrace diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity. We provide reasonable adjustments, including alternate formats to the recruitment process for individuals with disability. If you require an adjustment to be made during the recruitment process, please call 1300 254 257 or email • Fri, 16 FebClicks IT Recruitment
Specialist - Social Media & Community Management (ANZ) » Sydney, NSW - Work for the world's leading imaging organisation Autonomous role working across social media platforms Highly.... This is a Macquarie Park based role with work from home options. It reports to the Manager - Content & Social Media. Main Duties... • Fri, 16 Feb
Customer Care Specialist (Social Media Moderator) » Alexandria, NSW - Moderating interactions on our existing social media accounts (Insta, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn & Tiktok) to grow... our following and maximise the level of engagement with our brand Working along side our Community and Social Media Manager... • Fri, 16 FebLyka
Freelance Social Media Expert » Melbourne, Melbourne Region - Good-Edi Pty Ltd We're on the lookout for a dynamic and creative freelance social media expert to join our team. As our social media expert, you will be responsible for developing and executing our brand's social media strategy, creating engaging content, and managing our social media platforms. Creativity is a must and passion for sustainability is a bonus. ABOUT THE ROLE Responsibilities: 3 month fixed term contract Craft a 3-month social media strategy that'll make waves. Generate a list of exciting ideas to pursue through content creation. Bring those ideas to life; source, gather, and develop content including reels, posts, and stories. Develop compelling copy for each platform, ensuring it aligns with our brand's tone of voice. Shoot and edit original content, images, and videos for use on social media. Capture behind-the-scenes content as needed, such as from production facilities or cafes. Manage our social media platforms according to a 3-month rolling content calendar. Respond promptly to customer messages across all platforms. Stay updated on new trends and changes in the social media landscape. Utilize analytics to report weekly on performance across all social media channels. Requirements: 1-2 years of experience in social media management, brand marketing, and/or content strategy. Proven track record of building brands through social planning and content development. In-depth understanding of social platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn. Proficiency in creating, editing, and designing content across various mediums. Experience scheduling content across all platforms. Proficiency in Canva (or similar software). Passion for social media, including staying updated on trends and best practices. Ability to take the lead and work independently. Based in Melbourne, Australia. Preferred Skills: Familiarity with email marketing software, preferably Klaviyo. Basic understanding of Shopify. Please note this is a 3 month fixed term contract with potential for on-going work for the right candidate. The working times & location are flexible. To apply, please send your CV along with evidence of social media experience, whether personal or from previous clients. We look forward to reviewing your application and potentially welcoming you to our team ABOUT THE COMPANY This is an exciting opportunity to work for a start-up making a novel product - edible coffee cups. Good-Edi was founded by Catherine Hutchins and Aniyo Rahebi in 2020. With a shared vision to make a positive difference to our planet, Good-Edi – the edible cup was born. Good-Edi ensures that all takeaway coffee cups can now be plastic-free and truly biodegradable. Made from ethically sourced, grain-based vegan ingredients, Good-Edi is a solution that is good for the planet, and good for you Now stocked in over 200 outlets across 7 states in Australia, the Good-Edi team are very proud of the impact they have had so far, and have big goals for the future. • Fri, 16 FebGood-Edi Pty Ltd
Communications and Social Media Coordinator » Tennant Creek, NT - : Communications and Social Media Coordinator Classification: Administration Employment Conditions: Full Time Contract Salary... of $750! Exciting opportunity for a full time Communications & Social Media Coordinator, based in Tennant Creek... • Fri, 16 FebAnyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation$80739 per year
Social Media Account Manager » The Rocks, Sydney - We are on the hunt for a Social Media Guru that is looking for their next challenge in advertising. We are on the hunt for a Social Media Manager to start ASAP with this leading independent agency here in Sydney. Responsibilities: Develop and execute innovative social media strategies to enhance brand visibility and engagement. Create captivating and shareable content across various platforms. Manage day-to-day activities on social channels, including content scheduling, community engagement, and customer interactions. Monitor social media trends, industry news, and competitor activities to stay ahead of the curve. Requirements: Proven experience in social media management. Strong understanding of social media platforms, trends, and best practices. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Creative mindset with the ability to think outside the box. Proficient in analytics tools and data-driven decision-making. Adept at managing multiple projects and deadlines. Salary: $90,000 - $95,000 Inc. How to Apply: Send your resume to Please include “Social Media Manager Application” in the subject line. SocialMediaManager JobOpportunity DigitalMarketingCareers • Thu, 15 FebTKR Group
Social Media Coordinator - Just Jeans » Melbourne, VIC - , Portmans and Smiggle. ABOUT THE ROLE We are looking for a creative and dedicated Social Media Coordinator to join the Just..., you will be responsible for creating engaging content to drive the Just Jeans social media strategy, delivering on brand and communication... • Thu, 15 FebThe Just Group
Communications and Social Media Coordinator » Tennant Creek, NT - : Communications and Social Media Coordinator Classification: Administration Employment Conditions: Full Time Contract Salary... of $750! Exciting opportunity for a full time Communications & Social Media Coordinator, based in Tennant Creek... • Thu, 15 FebAnyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation$80739 per year
Social Media Content Creator » Sydney, Sydney Region - Date: 14 Feb 2024 Location: Sydney, NSW, AU, 2000 Employment Type: Permanent Full Time About the opportunity Reporting to our Senior Content Manager, this role will see you managing MLC’s social media channels (Instagram, LinkedIn, X, YouTube and Facebook). In this consumer-focused role, you get the creativity to do what you want. If you’ve seen or heard of a new idea that we can incorporate, this is what we want you to produce the content for, and as a seasoned social media professional, you’re across new trends on all platforms. You’ll develop social campaigns and specific campaigns on a quarterly basis, picking up on themes that are identified and manage the process while producing the assets and executing. Some of your content could go broader than socials, it may move to email campaigns and move to paid social media, and naturally there’s an approval process for your content to go through, so you’ll have to manage a large number of stakeholders from various departments right across the business. On top of all this, you’ll be responsible for producing all social media content, writing, producing the asset and using our social media content platform to push out the post. But that’s not the end of it, you’ll also monitor the performance of the post and use the results to provide direction for future strategies, so you’ll need to be across and have experience in performance reporting. If you like the sound of taking this autonomous role and truly embracing the creativity that comes along with it, we’d love to see your application. What we are looking for in a successful candidate It’s really important for that you have previous experience in Social Media Content Creation, as well as expertise using a social media content platform throughout your career. It’s also beneficial if you’ve worked in a large corporation in the past, so you can understand how all the pieces fit together. You have a knack of being able to write short, sharp copy – a natural talent of creating and condensing content for people to want to click through, and quickly and easily build effective working relationships with everyone that you interact with. Full of drive and initiative, you keep up to date with new trends across all forms of social media, and love to turn your thoughts and ideas into creative, captivating posts – always happy to share your ideas with the broader team. You understand the importance of truly being resilient in a role like this, and your communication and presentation skills are second to none. With your strong stakeholder management skills, and (ideally) a background in paid social media and working with external agencies, you’re excited at the prospect of bring your previous experience in a similar role to MLC/Insignia Financial. Benefits Kudos – employee benefits and reward scheme Twelve week paid parental leave and childcare bonus Recruitment referral bonus Workplace giving – donate to charity using pre-tax dollars Professional memberships Salary packaging and novated leasing Access to discounted financial advice, mortgage brokers, will and estate planning and more Private health insurance providers Insignia Financial Day – an additional leave day The Business Insignia Financial is one of Australia’s leading wealth management organisations, undertaking a rapid and exciting transformation. The Insignia Financial group has been helping Australians secure their future since 1846. Over the decades, we have grown substantially to become a leading provider of quality financial services and are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in the ASX top 200 (ASX: IFL). Applicants will be required to provide evidence of their eligibility to work in Australia, and at a minimum be required to undertake police and basic credit checks as a condition of employment. Please note that applications from agencies will not be considered at this time. At Insignia Financial, we have a culture of belonging. We are an ‘every person’ organisation that welcomes and appreciates everyone for who they are. If you need assistance or an adjustment during the application process because of your personal circumstances, please reach out and let us know. We recognise and celebrate the value of individual difference. • Thu, 15 FebIOOF Holdings
Video / Social Media Creator » Melbourne, VIC - of some of our social media activities. This will mainly relate to TikTok and YouTube as well as our own website. All work is video related... • Thu, 15 FebSuperior People Recruitment$35 per hour
Officer Social Media and Content » East Perth, Perth - Iconic WA organisation with a global audience Join a high performing marketing team Great work life balance, staff benefits and competitive salary About you Are you a content creator with a passion for social media? Do you love to develop original content and create brand stories? As The Perth Mint’s Social Media and Content Officer you will design posts to sustain readers’ curiosity and create buzz around our new and exciting products. With experience implementing a social media strategy you will have the drive, creativity and experience to increase The Perth Mint’s online presence and excite a large global audience. Experience A bachelor’s degree in communications or journalism Excellent knowledge of social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube Strong understanding of social media KPIs and best practices The ability to work autonomously and collaboratively as part of a team Strong written communication and interpersonal skills Excellent skills for organisation, time management and attention to detail Passion, drive, and a can-do attitude Experience in Adobe Premier, Photoshop, Canva and Hootsuite (Desirable but not necessary) About the position The position plays a pivotal role in the corporation’s vision to be a global leader in the precious metals industry and promote the range of Perth Mint products and services through social media and stakeholder engagement. Duties & responsibilities Plan, write and create branded content to meet customer needs including posts, videos and graphics, across The Perth Mint’s social media platforms. Write and edit informative blogs for the website news hub. Provide social media and blog reporting offering proactive learnings, insights and ideas into the ongoing planning process. Provide community management support by answering messages across all social media platforms. Provide additional content project support to the marketing team where necessary. Strong stakeholder management and communication skills. About us Welcome to The Perth Mint, where golden career opportunities await. The Perth Mint is an iconic Western Australian organisation operating on a truly global scale. Situated in East Perth for 124 years, The Perth Mint is a premier tourist destination, an award-winning exporter, and a key supplier of precious metals to markets throughout the world. There’s no organisation quite like it, with a variety of roles available, from engineers and chemists to artists and technicians. Foster your fascination and pride in our work. Get inspired every day by the world-class precious metal products we work together to refine, design, produce and then distribute all over the globe. Connect to the rich history of our industry in a workplace firmly rooted in the present — as leaders in sustainability and inclusion. At The Perth Mint, you’ll be supported in a diverse team where differences are celebrated and your well-being matters — striking the right work-life balance with compassionate team benefits. And if your career goals change, you’ll be empowered to change roles with training and internal mobility. If this role excites you, and you think you have what it takes to be a part of The Perth Mint team, apply today. Applications close on Monday, 11 March 2024 at 5.00pm . The Perth mint reserves the right to close applications prior to this date. Interviews may commence prior to closing date for the right candidates. Candidates must have the right to work in Australia and pass our national security check. Video • Wed, 14 FebThe Perth Mint
Social Media and Digital Content Producer » Sydney, NSW - Government organisation that focuses on online safety. They are now looking for a Social Media and Digital Content Producer... financial year and likely to extend. You will be a social media and digital producer with experience in campaigns, content... • Wed, 14 FebBalance Recruitment
Social Media Strategist » Surry Hills, Sydney - Role Summary: Are you excited about shaping your clients' digital presence on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube? We are seeking a dynamic and innovative leader to join us as our Social Media Lead. In this crucial role, you will not only craft engaging social media narratives but also collaborate closely with our Director of Digital, Data & Technology to drive groundbreaking social media initiatives. This position is ideal for someone adept at both strategic planning and executing impactful paid social campaigns. Key Responsibilities: Social Media Strategy & Management: Develop comprehensive social media strategies integrating organic and paid efforts, content creation, community management, and influencer collaborations. Collaborate with the Director of Digital, Data & Technology to devise cutting-edge social media strategies, contributing to impactful campaigns and insightful client reports. Create strategically informed content calendars aligned with clients' brand and marketing objectives. Take charge of social media client accounts, ensuring exceptional client service and building lasting relationships. Work closely with content creators to produce captivating social and digital content. Craft compelling narratives across various platforms, maintaining a consistent and positive brand presence. Monitor, manage, and engage with online communities to ensure brand voices are heard and audiences are engaged. Develop and implement influencer and creator strategies, fostering robust partnerships aligned with clients' brand objectives. Paid Social Media (Advertising) Strategy & Management: Lead the development and execution of innovative paid social campaigns across key platforms. Manage end-to-end paid social campaigns, ensuring timely delivery within budget and quality standards. Collaborate with digital, data & tech, media, and client service teams to meet short and long-term targets. Enhance Enigma's Paid Social marketing approach, designing scalable strategies. Adopt a continual 'test and learn' approach, leveraging new features and technologies. Share expertise to improve existing campaigns and paid social strategies. Paid Social Media Expertise: Minimum 2 years of relevant paid social experience with a focus on lead generation or ecommerce. Strong knowledge of Meta Business & Ads Manager, TikTok ads & Business manager, Pinterest Ads, LinkedIn ads, and other relevant platforms. Proficient in tracking pixels, UTM parameters, basic code implementation, and revenue tracking. Demonstrated ability to identify new opportunities, test, learn, and maximize performance. Experience with budget management for paid media campaigns. Strong analytical skills, capable of drawing insights from large data sets. Hands-on development of solutions for automating and enhancing campaign performance. Skills & Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Communications, Journalism, or a related field. Minimum of 4 years of agency experience with a proven track record in social media management and paid social campaigns. Proficiency in MS Office, Google Workspace, MS Teams, Slack, and other collaboration tools. Strong leadership, decision-making, and communication skills. A relentless creative desire and passion for digital innovation. If you wish to apply for this position, please submit your resume by clicking the 'Apply Now' button. For further information please contact Jordan Smith at Clicks IT Recruitment on 61 447 714 329. At Clicks we embrace diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity. We provide reasonable adjustments, including alternate formats to the recruitment process for individuals with disability. If you require an adjustment to be made during the recruitment process, please call 1300 254 257 or email • Tue, 13 FebClicks IT Recruitment
V- Social Media Coordinator » Sale, Wellington Area - Start your mission volunteer experience with The Salvation Army today We are looking for compassionate people who share our mission and values, if you have the passion and drive to commit yourself to a challenging and rewarding role; we invite you to review our current vacancies. ABOUT US The Salvation Army is a Christian movement and one of Australia’s largest and most-loved charities, helping thousands of Australians every year find hope in the midst of all kinds of personal hardship. The Salvation Army offers the opportunity to use your skills and expertise to make a real difference in the lives of people who need help most. The volunteer (Stream) Social Media Coordinator role provides operational and practical leadership and support as required through monitoring, developing and providing social media content that is in line with our values, branding, initiatives, programs, services and Corps/ Centre related activities and events. They will offer leadership and support in helping our Corps Officers and Centre Managers by coordinating the suppling content and/or administering content as needed. Role Capabilities Acts Ethically and with Integrity Supports a culture of integrity and professionalism. Represents the organisation in an honest, ethical and professional way. Focus on People we Serve Is mindful of the impact of own role on those TSA serves in the community Provides service appropriately and responsively to the needs of people Recognises the need for referral and takes appropriate action Confirms satisfaction with services and addresses or escalates complaints Make Sound Decisions Actively seeks out input from others and shares own ideas to achieve best outcomes Makes sound, timely decisions leading to effective service delivery Demonstrate Accountability Demonstrates accountability aligned to internal and external requirements Supports and acts in compliance with the records, information and knowledge management requirements of TSA. Think Analytically and Solve Problems Identifies issues that may hinder completion of tasks and finds appropriate solutions. Willingly seeks out input from others and shares own ideas to achieve best outcomes Identifies ways to improve systems or processes which are used by the team/unit/department Role Required Tasks Key tasks of the Role Key Activities Expected outputs and measures Assist in developing Social Media Posts Contextualise national social media initiatives for the market, developing posts using the TSA marketing materials and promotions (ie RSA, Christmas, Easter, Program promotions, etc) Develop posts on requests from CO’s and managers for their local mission delivery initiatives/events/programs. Collaborate with other TSA team members for content, pictures, information to develop accurate posts. Collaborate with the Corps Social Media Coordinator in supporting national posts as required. High standard of Facebook posts that are in line with TSA branding guidelines. High standard of content that is accurate, correct and clear. Engaging and relevant local mission posts that promote the work of local Corps and Centres. High quality pictures, formatting and presentation of all Corps and Centre Posts. Respond to Social Media enquiries from Corps Respond to CO and centre manager enquiries with a strong customer service approach. Escalate or triage enquires to other Departments as required (ie PR Secretary, PR Coordinator, Divisional Support Officer, Volunteer Resources, Emergency Services, Social Media Coordinator etc). Liaise with the Corps Social Media Coordinator if further advice/support or assistance is required. CO’s and Centre Managers receive high level of customer service and report enquires responded to in timely and helpful manner. Collaboration and Teamwork approach. Monitor Facebook Content Monitor all Corps and Centre Facebook pages to ensure correct content and branding is adhered to and escalate to Line Manager/Coordinator any findings that may need attention. Monitor comments on Facebook Pages and escalate any comments that may be of potential harm to TSA, TSA staff or volunteers. Our Corps and Centre Facebook pages are of a high presentation standard, correct and accurate. Corps Centre Facebook pages are a safe and healthy platform for all persons that may access these sites. Qualifications and experience requirements for the Role No formal qualification required. Facebook (especially) and broader social media know-how is essential. Strong eye for detail and experience in graphic design, marketing, or communications essential. A basic understanding of brand and marketing principles would be helpful. Mandatory requirements of the Role Fully complete The Salvation Army's mission volunteer induction, training and registration process. Complete integrity checks as required for the role by TSA, TSA is a child safe workplace. Roster & Time commitment As agreed with the Line Manager. This role may be performed at home. The Salvation Army is an Equal Opportunity Employer who provides an inclusive work environment and embraces the diverse talent of its people. We value people of all cultures, languages, capacities, sexual orientations, gender identities and/or expressions. We are committed to achieving a diverse workforce and strongly encourage applications from Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people. The Salvation Army is a child safe organisation and is committed to protecting children and young people from harm. All child related roles will require the successful completion of a Working with Children Check. Additionally, certain volunteer roles may require a National Police Check. • Tue, 13 FebSalvos Stores Australia
Social Media Executive » Melbourne, VIC - Time Out Melbourne is looking for a social media executive to work across our paid and organic campaigns... and strategies to improve campaign performance. Social media content creation and production-ability to write social copy in brand... • Sat, 10 FebPRINT AND DIGITAL PUBLISHING PTY LTD$60001 - 80000 per year
Social Media Producer » Melbourne CBD, Melbourne - Social Media Producer Apply now Job no: 978637 Work type: Full-time Location: Melbourne Be part of the story. Work alongside iconic household names, passionate professionals and experience the magic of your favourite news, sport and entertainment shows. Thrive in the fast-paced, rapidly evolving media industry Work that truly makes an impact in the lives of everyday Australians Seven is where you come to make a difference - in your career, in our company, and in the lives of millions of Australians. Every day offers new opportunities for growth and meaningful connection with Australia's biggest audience. Seven's Melbourne Newsroom is looking for a Social Media Producer who is passionate about news and digital to produce content to grow and engage television audiences. You will: Create and organise content for a number of accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Produce engaging and striking assets and posts. Work with internal stakeholders and the wider team with promotional efforts including on-air competitions, and amplification of Talent accounts and activity. Regular moderation of relevant social properties, including comprehensive understanding of escalation protocols. Understand our target audiences and the latest trends in social media and how to optimize activity to deliver on reach and quality benchmarks Assist with the social media coverage for news stories across Australia and the world We are seeking: Excellent written and verbal communication skills; Attention to detail; Strong knowledge of news and media; Strong knowledge of and proficiency with social media platforms and metrics; Proficiency with video and photo production tools; Strong initiative and willingness to approach work with a sense of urgency; An ability to work well in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment; Passion for social media, including latest social media developments, online behaviours and trends. Why would you want this role? Seven is leading the way in creating the media company of the future. Seven is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace where everyone belongs. We are Australia's first media company to achieve the WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality certification and we are proud of our commitment to reconciliation with our Reflect RAP launched in early 2023. At Seven you are celebrated for being yourself, and your contribution will matter. Don't just watch Seven - join us and become part of the story. We look forward to receiving your application. Recruitment Agencies: The Seven Network does not accept unsolicited agency resumes and will not be responsible for any fees related to unsolicited resumes. Visit our LinkedIn Life page to find out more about Seven. The Seven Network is an equal opportunity employer, and we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. Recruitment Agencies: The Seven Network does not accept any unsolicited agency resumes and will not be responsible for any fees related to unsolicited resumes. Advertised: 07 Feb 2024 12:00 AM AUS Eastern Daylight Time Applications close: 05 Mar 2024 11:55 PM AUS Eastern Daylight Time Back to search results Apply now • Sat, 10 FebSeven West Media
Social Media Specialist » Brisbane CBD, Brisbane - An exciting new role with one of Brisbanes growing marketing and design agencies. Featuring an attractive salary and a fully remote position. We are on the hunt to find a Social Media Specialist to join one of Brisbane's leading marketing and design agencies. Our client has a been around for 10 years and has a diverse clientele that have a social media presence on various platforms, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, X, and TikTok. Must be able to: Develop, refine, and execute social media strategies for diverse brands. Conduct audience segmentation and research. Ensure error-free, grammatically correct copy for all content. Maintain multiple content calendars. Manage various social media accounts, ensuring consistent posting schedules. Collaborate closely with brands to craft key messaging and extract relevant information. Adapt tone of voice for individual brands seamlessly. Generate innovative content and campaigns, identifying gaps in social media presence. Utilise social media scheduling and management tools proficiently. Analyse social media performance using analytics tools. Make data-driven decisions based on interpretation of data. Set up and optimise paid advertising campaigns, understanding ad targeting and budget management. Stay updated on social media trends and utilise hashtags effectively. What will be involved? Conduct client research to understand their businesses and B2B landscape. Create engaging content for social media platforms, collaborating with design/video teams. Develop and execute social media strategies, setting goals and identifying target audiences. Communicate closely with clients to gather information for social media posts. Schedule and post content at optimal times for maximum reach and engagement. Analyse monthly social media reports, using metrics and tools like Google Analytics. Manage paid advertising campaigns to reach target audiences and meet marketing objectives. Stay updated on industry trends and best practices for effective strategy adaptation. Maintain content calendar for consistent posting aligned with client objectives. Conduct A/B testing to optimise content, posting times, and ad creative. Ensure compliance with platform guidelines and legal regulations. Explore collaborations and partnerships to expand reach and engagement. Monitor and engage with online communities on client accounts to foster positivity. What is required from you? Able to provide examples of social strategies you have created and implemented on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube and/or Twitter/X, and be able to summarise their performance. Minimum five years’ experience, ideally working on social media accounts for multiple brands. Able to provide References. Interview process: 1-2 interview stages with a view to an immediate start. To apply for this position, click on the link below or for a confidential discussion please contact Lily Bourn on 0488 019 719 or • Fri, 09 FebJust Digital People
Social Media & Content Executive » Sydney, Sydney Region - We are exclusively working with a fast-growth group of beauty brands who are looking for a 'hands on' Social Media & Content Creator. SOCIAL MEDIA & CONTENT EXECUTIVE We are exclusively working with a fast-growth group of beauty brands who are looking for a 'hands on' Social Media & Content Creator. If TikTok is your second home and you are a Taylor Swift enthusiast then I want to speak to you An overview of the role; Social Media Channel Management: Managing content schedules across multiple social channels, with a focus on three top brands. Planning, copywriting, and scheduling content. Engaging with customers, responding to messages and comments, and maintaining brand tone across platforms. Monitoring performance and providing insights. Keeping abreast of industry trends and competitor activities. Content Creation and Curation: Generating engaging visual and written content. Creating still and video content, including product shots and TikTok videos. Confidence in front of the camera is a bonus. Building and maintaining a content library, including user-generated content and influencer material. Proficiency in Adobe Suite for content adaptation. Partnerships & PR/Influencer Management: Coordinating with PR agencies for product distribution. Ensuring influencers align with brand values. Managing influencer relationships and arranging collaborations. Orchestrating social-led partnerships to drive engagement and growth. Reporting: Providing monthly reports on social activity and influencer coverage. Qualifications and Experience: 2 years of experience in a similar role within relevant industries. Familiarity with social media platforms and management tools. Strong copywriting skills and attention to detail. Ability to juggle multiple brands concurrently. Deep understanding of brands, influencers, and social trends. Passion for beauty and skincare. Proficiency in Adobe Suite and content creation platforms. Photography and graphic design skills are advantageous. Overall, the ideal candidate would possess a blend of creative, organizational, and analytical skills, along with a deep understanding of social media dynamics in the beauty, fashion, or lifestyle sectors. • Fri, 09 FebTALENTD Recruitment
Customer Service Advisor - Social Media » Hobart, TAS - Role Purpose & Environment As a Customer Service Advisor in our Vodafone Social Media Team, you will act as the voice... of our brand across Vodafone's social media channels. You will be responsible for driving brand advocacy through every... • Thu, 08 FebTPG Telecom
Senior Manager - Media, Content & Social » Docklands, VIC - members. What you'll do: The Senior Manager - Media, Content & Social, is responsible for overseeing the development... and implementation of social media and content strategies aligned with business goals as well as providing effective leadership in media... • Thu, 08 FebPriceline Pharmacy
Social Media Specialist » Perth, Perth Region - The successful candidate should possess the following skills: A thorough understanding of social media algorithms, trends, guidelines, and best practices. Experience in creating organic social media schedules for platforms such as Meta, TikTok, and LinkedIn. Experience in paid social media advertising on platforms such as Meta, TikTok, and LinkedIn. Solid knowledge of social media analytics and management tools. Strong organizational skills, with the ability to prioritize work across multiple projects, channels, and campaigns. Experience using Adobe Suite, including Illustrator. Excellent copywriting and editing skills. Attention to detail and professionalism. Strong teamwork and collaboration skills. The ability to take initiative and thrive in a fast-paced environment. Exceptional time and deadline management skills. A high client service ethic. Comfortability working behind and in front of the camera. A degree qualification in appropriate disciplines such as marketing, communications, graphic design, and/or any other digital creative areas would be highly advantageous but not absolutely essential. Responsibilities of the Social Media Specialist include: Manage the day-to-day handling of multiple client social media channels, adapting content to suit each different platform. Curate and create engaging multimedia content across multiple platforms. Write highly engaging social copy, tailored to each platform and consistent with the client’s brand voice. Manage and oversee the social media components of all client organic schedules, paid campaigns, and projects. Collaborate with the creative pod and account manager to ensure brand consistency and timely delivery of client campaigns while paying attention to detail and achieving outlined KPIs. Oversee, plan, and deliver content across different platforms using scheduling tools. Oversee the creation and implementation of monthly social media schedules. Monitor, track, analyze, and report on performance on social media platforms using analytics tools and adjust strategies accordingly. Manage a budget for social media activities and report on ROI. Develop and implement new strategies to leverage social media and drive objectives. Communicate with followers, respond to queries, monitor community feedback, and foster online discussions. Continually learn, test, measure, and optimize performance on all social media activities. Attend content shoots on-site with clients. Manage time efficiently across multiple clients and projects. Match the selection criteria? Click the “APPLY” button now Alternatively, if you are interested in finding out more about the position and want to have a confidential conversation, please email Andrew Mackin Brown at • Thu, 08 FebTalent International
Social Media Manager (felix) - Full Time » Sydney, NSW - to accept the challenge. Join felix: Where social media magic meets purpose Are you a social media gun with a passion... media background and have experience developing and implementing branded mixed media content and social media programs... • Thu, 08 FebTPG Telecom
Social Media Producer » Melbourne, VIC - audience. Seven's Melbourne Newsroom is looking for a Social Media Producer who is passionate about news and digital... audiences and the latest trends in social media and how to optimize activity to deliver on reach and quality benchmarks Assist... • Wed, 07 FebSeven West Media
Social Media Specialist » Wodonga, Wodonga Area - Indie Education is an educational hub and home to a family of training and educational programs, providing learning services for all age groups, driven by a team that is dedicated and passionate about lifelong learning. Our programs cater for the needs and interests of young people, senior secondary school students in Years 9 to 12, the general community, third age learners, and adults with a disability in supported employment, training and lifestyle activities. Indie Education is seeking a Social Media Specialist to join the ICT team based in Wodonga, Victoria. This is an excellent opportunity for someone to make a significant contribution who is looking to progress their career in a growing non-for-profit organisation, with opportunity for future promotion within the organisation. The role will report to ICT Manager and be responsible in assisting with the management of all social media, website and associated analytics for the company. The Social Media Specialist’s key responsibility is to craft, coordinate, and execute social media and website content that resonates with our audience. Collaborating closely with company staff, you will spearhead content creation, updates and manage the day-to-day process for placements across social media and the world wide web. Workplace taskings & Key responsibilities: Develop and implement strategies for social media platforms to engage company presence and engagement. Collaborate with internal stakeholders to maintain consistent digital message and uphold brand integrity. Management of all Company Social Media platforms. Provide guidance and training to social media editors and site managers. Developing and executing social media posts and campaigns that attract and engage via Facebook Instagram & LinkedIn. Update and facilitate Company websites. Manage website builds, domain hosting and registrations. Checking the website for any errors or issues and providing feedback and suggestions for improvement. Manage Company Google identity and information. Analyse and report on the performance of social media platforms and provide web analytics as required. Content and digital media creation. Skills and Experience: Experience in managing social media platforms and a strong understanding of digital analytics. Ability to identify and resolve any inconsistencies or gaps in digital content. Experience with WordPress or other comparable web content management systems. High-level organisational, analytical and problem-solving skills Ability to work effectively in a team environment and autonomously. Strong attention to detail. Willingness to learn new skills and adapt to changing needs Ability to maintain confidentiality. Highly developed communication skills both written and verbal. Experience working in the education or not-for-profit sector (advantageous but not essential). Digital content creation skills, such as photo and video editing, are highly regarded but not essential. For this position with our company, applicants must be willing and able to provide: Current Australian Drivers Licence Annual National Police Check Working with Children’s Check Remuneration: $66,941.00 per annum plus super. A company laptop and phone is provided with this position. Salary Packaging through Maxxia. The fine print: Applicants must have rights to work in Australia without sponsorship No agencies To Apply: All applicants must submit a Cover Letter (no more than 2 pages) via Seek addressing the workplace tasking’s for this role as listed above, along with a Resume. If you have any questions regarding the role, please email Applications will close on Friday 6th March, 2024 however interviews may commence prior. • Wed, 07 FebIndie Education
Senior Social Media Manager - Contract Role » Sydney, NSW - This is an exciting opportunity for a Senior Social Media Manager to join an innovative socially led agency.... Create weekly, monthly, or quarterly social media status reports detailing key insights, channel performance, competitor... • Tue, 06 FebStopgap$125000 - 150000 per year

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